What did Santa bring you?


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Other than a large lump of coal, Santa brought me a Verlinden 120mm Mounted Samurai. There was a note in my stocking that a rather large book with alot of miniature pictures and written by a friend was also in route but had not arrived as yet. hmmmm wonder which book Santa was referring too.. :lol:
Well,let's see!
He left me a Dell 600m notebook computer and two tivo units and also a HK-91/G-3,7.62mm assault rifle. And a new 1/12 head sculpted by my buddy Gordy.Mrosko
Hehehe he brought me RHA Quastermaster, G.B. 1812-15 by Pegaso and French Imperial Guard Grenadier 1812 by Andrea. He was also supposed to bring me the same large book as Guy's waiting. hehehe
Aside from the usual blah blah (read clothes and crap), I got a digicam (see my earlier post), a gift certificate to my local hobby shop, and a fist full of cash, some of which is going to be turned into little resin and metal men, milminwh, be on lthe look out. I have been told to be expecting the new Pegaso ACW kit for my B'day next week (12/31). Nearly forgot to mention, a figure of Harry Potter anda Borders gift certificate.
Well, MY big book full of pictures of little men showed up !!

And so did Elite's 70mm FPW hauptmann, and fusilier's northamtonshire regt with decpy (gallipoli)

Merry Christmas all.
Family wrapped up all the previous christmas presents still unpainted, 18 in total.
Then gave me cards saying that they had donated 3 goats and 3 broods of 10 chickens each to people who really needed them through OXFAM.
I think I got the message.
Have a great New Year.
Hi, and a merry christmas to all
Having recieved Bill's picture book with immense gratitude at
being allowed to study it instead of the "don't open till christmas thing"
earlier in the month.

I was told there was a limitation on just what figure I would recieve
this changed on christmas morning when I found myself the proud owner of the Prussian Death Hussar 1762 from Andrea a figure I had seen earlier on this
site and had obviously raved about enough to prompt my wife into ordering
me one

I am presently cleaning it up (there are a lot of parts) but it really is a great figure.

Wishing you all a happy new year

Hi all,
No figures as yet but money to buy them but 2 DVD,s The Duellists perhaps one of the most accurate uniform wise ever made,it,s funny how a comparatively low buget film can be more accurate than one costing many millions of dollars and Zulu though not one hundred percent accurate one of the best films of it,s type ever made compared to that rubbish Zulu Dawn which was on TV a day or two ago

George javascript:emoticon(';)')
Originally posted by DEL@Dec 26 2004, 08:15 AM
Merry Christmas all.
Family wrapped up all the previous christmas presents still unpainted, 18 in total.
Then gave me cards saying that they had donated 3 goats and 3 broods of 10 chickens each to people who really needed them through OXFAM.
I think I got the message.
Have a great New Year.
Hi Del

That's true Christmas spirit! Well done by your family.

I hope my wife doesn't get that idea, but my Grey Army is pretty large.

This Year Santa was good with me, he brought me from Elite Miniatures five figures, :lol:

Norman Knight, 1268 (5404)
Italian Crusader, 1300 (5411)
Norman Knight (5412)
Bremen Regiment, 1705 (5417)
Spanish Knight, 1230 (5419)

With each Elite figure came one bottle of Vallejo paints.This Santa know How to use the Colorado Promotion.

From Soldiers
HERMANN VON SALZA GrandMaster 1200

Roman Aquilifer, 1st Century (54-114)
Knight, 12th-13th Century (54-151)
Knight with Axe, 1330-1350 (54-153)

Gunze-Sangyo Mr. Metal (this was really a surprise)

What can I say¡ I was a good Boy this 2004, with all this I think I would finish needing glasses :(

Happy Holidays
Eduardo J. Tellez
I got a couple of good books, cologne, and gift certificates to favorite restaurants. I never get figures; everyone knows they'll only wind up in my Grey Army and may never actually get painted!
I got the pegaso templar knight in the holy land, andreas "Barbarians are coming" and P&J Designs Waffen SS figure. Plus I have a birthday coming in less than one week. I am spoiled!! My new years resolution: post some of my figures I finally got a digital camera.
No new figures, probably because last year's aren't painted yet, but I did get a resin armor kit and a new boom box to provide tunes for the "lair," as well as an Ott light. Got a great excuse to spend more time painting now, how else can I appreciate those fine gifts?
I was very lucky...my wonderful wife went to Ebay and located a 120mm Verlinden diorama package...ceramic building corner, 20mm Flak gun, and German Flak Officerr...she also picked up a couple of boxes of Verlinden Misc. German equipment, some boxes and crates and other 'junk' to add to the dio base.

Then she informed me of a late coming present, a SOL 200mm German soldier kit.

AND...she got me the Star Wars trilogy...not a bad haul, considering I had no idea what was coming!!

hi All

I did well this Christmas a couple of figures, mounted 70mm from Elite and the primus pilus from Pegaso

Books too 3 ospreys plus the usual Daddy stuff, was a kewl time all round.

Here in Spain Santa is not as "tipical" as he is in another countries. I am waiting for the "Three Orient Magic Kings" (January 6th). I am waiting for a aerograph compressor, a bust and perhaps another figure.

Originally posted by rafaelega@Dec 27 2004, 04:14 PM
Here in Spain Santa is not as "tipical" as he is in another countries. I am waiting for the "Three Orient Magic Kings" (January 6th). I am waiting for a aerograph compressor, a bust and perhaps another figure.

Hi Rafa

Well, Santa has been transporting so many copies of the Horan book, and so many metal figures, that he needs the extra time!!

I hope he finds your chimney ok! ;)


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