What happened to the Hinchliffe 54mm figure and equipment moulds?


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Added today a Le Cimier catalog, if you go on their site, you can see they are closing activities
Also upgraded my file PDF Nostalgia
If you have scanned catalog, you are welcomed
I particularly liked the Julian Benassi figures he did for Hinchcliffe,notably the Bashkir,full of character.
But I also remember when the first 75mm Benassi came in the shops, it was the Italian Death volunteer 1917. In those time we had already seen all the Ray Lamb 75mm and this first Benassi was a disappointment
Later he improved largely
Have you any picures to share ?

I found that the 75mm serie by R Lamb was reissued by Draper serie Elite 75 in the 90ies
1992 02           783   elite 75.jpg

And I increased the size of my Nostalgia PDF file to 42 pages with lot of pictures and adverts,

If any have of you infos he want to share, including pictures of your Oldies or catalog or list or .. , you are welcome