Acrylics What Matt Varnish Do You Use For Acrylics Colour?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
Hi guys, I am painting a bust by Acrylics colour and the colour surface looks a bit annoyingly glossy, I was wondering do you normally apply a coat of matt varnish after painting? and what matt vanish do you use for Acrylics? Is Vallejo's matt varnish a good choice? and what is the mixing percentage between Vallejo's varnish and the medium in airbrush?:)

Thank you very much
I've used Dullcote for years. Some folks have mentioned issues (light colored spotting), but I have not had any problems. Shake it for a minute or two and place it in warm water for about 5 minutes. A couple of light coats does the trick.

Get some Tamiya X21, use a little bit in you water.
The paint will dry dead matt, don't use too much though, as it will dry chalky.
Hi guys, I am painting a bust by Acrylics colour and the colour surface looks a bit annoyingly glossy, I was wondering do you normally apply a coat of matt varnish after painting?
I try not to have to; as much as possible I aim for my paint layer to be as matt as I want it to be.

and what matt vanish do you use for Acrylics? Is Vallejo's matt varnish a good choice?
It's not the best, no. But some people get good results with it. See this recent thread:

and what is the mixing percentage between Vallejo's varnish and the medium in airbrush?:)
You can't really go by formulas, ratios or percentages for dilution when spraying because of all the variables - paint varies from the factory from batch to batch; different airbrushes or just different needle/nozzle sets (essentially makes a different airbrush) like different levels of dilution; pressure; trigger control; spraying distance; temperature and/or humidity....

It's better to learn to gauge a suitable consistency by eye, so that no matter what you're trying to spray and how thick it is you'll be able to thin it correctly. And always test off to one side before spraying at the model!

Hi Joe, Carl, Einion, thank you very much, I really appreciate your advices.
Before posting this thread, I applied a coat of satin varnish of Game workshop directly from spray to my little poor bust without testing off.......and it totally destroyed the colour coat.......

Thanks a lot for your advise.
I have been using TESTORS dullcote spray can for almost 5 years, i could tell you that for finishing my figures is the standard and ONLY choice, really gives the figure a very MATT finish and enhaces the colors, for small areas that need a different texture/finish i use Vallejo satin and gloss with a brush on after applying the Dullcote.
Try it , you will not regret the results.
Einions right.....try not to use a matting varnish. Where you feel you have to.....Tetors Dullcote every time, but as Joe says make sure you prepare it properly.

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