What paint you use?


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I would like to know what not hobby paints like vallejo do you all use.

Do you mean, "Apart from hobby paints, what brands of paint do we use?" or, "What brands of paint do we use?"

I use Schminke-Mussini oils, for oils.

But if you meant just, which brands do we all use, then, besides the Mussini oils, for acrylics, I have Vallejo, Andrea, Tamiya, Model Master and cheap craft store acrylics. For enamels, I've got Testor's, Model Master, Pactra (formerly independent, then bought out by Testor's and now discontinued), White Ensign Models, Gunze-Sangyo. I use a little of each, at various times.

I ment a Apart from hobby acrylics. How are the andrea paints been meaning to try them.

Ah, cool, thanks for clarifying!

I only recently started using Vallejo and Andrea, because of the other brands I already have in my paintbox. They're easy to work with, they go on very smooth, and the pigments seem to be very finely ground. The little bottles go a long way, too, I find. I tend to use the paints drop by drop on my palette, mixing usually to a ratio of 50/50 paint to water. Cleanup for me, then, is with isopropyl. I'm sure the veteran acrylics painters will have better and more detailed advice to give you, though.

I also have all brands of oils in the box but rarely use them in favor of acrylic. The tube acrylics I have are Turners from Japan (go figure THAT) and Jo Sonja..
I been reading up on Jo Sonja and only found good things about them. Right now been using GW, p3 and vallejo paints I got form my game store I play at. They work good but you pay a lot and don't get a lot of paint for the money. I do have some Windsor & Newton oils that I used some.