My wife gave me Sparta's 54mm Woodland Indian from the French and Indian War. Very nice. It looks like the focal Indian in Bob Griffings painting called "Triumphant Return to Fort Duquesne"
I got the Pilipili Crow Warrior, the Stormtroopers Highwayman, a water color sea scape painting by my sister-in-law, 300.00 gift card to a store that I like, a framed picture of some ancient Hawaiian Petroglyphs that my archaelogical niece took for me, a couple really nice shirts, a belt, a bottle of Grey Goose, a copy of a mastered heavy metal cd that hasn't hit the market yet but will next week from my nephew (I wish them luck), some prime rib, ham, and later, a piece of pie.
I got :Zulu movie (with M.Caine),Time Machine's "Last stand at Gandamak"and 6 BD(french comics!).And I await 6 Osprey's books which my sister-in-law must bring back for me from Paris.Yes this year S.Claus was kind with me :lol:
I got 2 figures - 120mm Verlinden British Desert Rat,1991 and 90mm F M Beneito Waterloo 1815 which is a Foot Guard moving an injured Hussar (I think).
I also got the Napoleonics set of vallejo acrylics and a book of war poems which believe it or not is really interesting and has given me some great ideas for nameplates on my figure bases
So all in all its been a great Christmas
Hobbywise Santa brought me the Games Workshop Dwarf Army set, over 70 miniatures of my favourite fantasy subject. That takes care of my painting programme for 2006. I do not wargame, but the possibility for unique poses are endless with all the spares involved, so I can enjoy putting together a whole army.