Dear all, being a bit of a maths dolt can anyone tell me what size in mm figure would be compatable with a 1/24th vehicle just saw some nice 1/24th tankkits for sale
super is there an 70 - 75mm figure suitable to the north african campaign UK /COMMONWEALTH OR axis Just looked on historex and sadly the young LRDG TROOPER who I wanted to use as an op fig is no longer availiabke here is a link to the vehicle kits - all German as yet but we may get lucky and get a jeep /bren gun carrier
1/24 PLA24002 German Pz.Kpfw.II Ausf.F DAK
Brand: Tasca Models Category: Armor Models 1/24Item#: PLA24002 Status: On Sale & In StockCurrent Inventory: Only 3 LeftRetail Price:$66.95Your Price: $60.25 You Save: $6.70 (10%)PRICE: $60.25 QTY:
Clear parts for the turret periscope and the light lens. Separate signal port on the Commanders hatch reproduced to show it either open or closed. photoetch parts for clamps, the air release pipe cover and the tool box. Individual track links w/ pins
Well, if you took an 'average' guy who is 5 feet 10 inches tall, that would be 70 inches tall. Now divide: 70/24 = 2.916 inches tall. So, a "1/24 scale" man would be 2.916 incehs tall. Since there are 2.54 cm (25.4mm) in one inch, multiply 2.916 x 25.4 works out to be 74mm. So 74mm +/- would be 1/24 - call it 75mm =).
As the sculptor of the DAK pz2 crew, I can say that 75mm is 1/24th. The Tasca kit is superb, I had the very first kit in the uk to work off to sculpt these for Tristar.
The link supplied above shows me the first images I have seen of these figures painted.
Awewsome tahnk you all for your answer , nw have acess to the young LRDG kit so can feel a vignette comin on..... thanks pete had no idea these came with figs is that thecase foe all thier range ? oh for an SAS jeep
Cheers All , just made my order no doubt will be grey for sometime but wll be nice to have the tank the DAK crewman and the lrdg overwatching them somehoe thanks alll
Hi again Chris.
The thread about these figures implies that they are available as a separate figure kit, not included in the tank kit box. There's a link to them being marketed by Tristar available in the UK, possibly also in a distribution deal with Tasca available in Japan.
Pete B.
Hi Guys and particularily pete - I ordered the tank and the crew as seperate kits crew figs are nice - some more axix /allies vehicles and figures would be great - nowwhere can i find that young miniatures LRDG TROOPIE - Thanks all and nice work pete