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What would you like to see an sbs on?

  • sculpting the head?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sculpting hands?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • basic anatomy?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sculpting footwear/feet?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • folds & drapery effects?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sculpting/ making headgear?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • making equipment?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • creating an armature?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Gary and I emailed back and forth about what members would like to see done in a sculpting sbs. Gary suggested a poll be done to find out from members what you all would like to see done that would help you in your skills with sculpting.
Great idea!

This is a great way to see what the community would like to know more about, although I feel that all the topics mentioned in the poll would be valuable (and worthy of a SBS) for all of us here.

I think that any of the topics would be a great resourse, but I picked basic anatomy, as I felt that is what everything is based upon and something we can never have too much knowldge about.

I am looking forward to see what everybody have to say about this, its a great thing to talk about and something I am very excited to read more about.
Ohhh...........cant I chose them all? :)

Actually Ive been burning my midnight oil the last two weeks trying to sculpt. Do a little bit every evening and behold Im actually making progress. :eek:

Im also getting used more and more to the clay and learning every time. Ive made four armatures and Im concentrating to get the anatomy right. Next I will be moving on to clothing so basic folds and shoes will be the next for me.

Thats a difficult one.
I cannot sculpt so everything is good. The basic anatomy is no problem because i have studied anatomy for 6 years to do my profession. So that's no basic. Maybe i can help with that.
So far so good, i hope that i can sculpt something after the masterclass. :)

Hi Guys

Why not just do the whole lot, from start to finish in every detail, I for one would like to see this, as I can’t sculpt to save my life, but I know there is a few people on here who can sculpt and paint, can we not have one of the masters that are on here, invited to do the complete SBS from brief historical outline of subject, through to finished figure. Obviously this would be only if the sculpter would agree to it. Perhaps a part that everybody could play, would be to vote as to which period this figure would come from.....

Just a couple of ideas.... maybe this could happen, you never know....?

Hi All

This is a useful poll. As someone who has messed about with sculpting and fallen into all the pits :( , I would welcome guidance on anatomy, as this can make or break a figure. Heads are also a difficult area for me, so I'd be really keen to see a SBS, aimed specifically at non-sculptors like me.

There are quite a few quality sculptors on the planet - I'm sure this idea will attract some of them to share their experience.

As one who ain't no sculptor, a beginners-type thing would be of great use to me. I reckon it would help my painting to a degree as well.
While I appreciate the generosity of Gary and others in posting sculpting SBS's, I have to say that looking at additional SBS's will not help me learn to sculpt (but then again, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer either). What I really need to see is a video or live demonstration that shows me the subtle nuances of how to apply the right amount of putty to an armature, roll it out to the appropriate thickness, and then press in the folds. I need to see your tools in action, to watch how you hold the armature, how you twist your fingers, hands, and wrists to achieve the desired results.

But again, for fear of being deemed an ingrate, I really do commend anyone who's willing to take the time to photograph their in-progress work.
Guys, I tried to think about topics that I felt would be of the most help in sculpting a figure. I think it would be best to mostly concentrate on the basics of posing and sculpting and try not to get too bogged down with the subject of the piece. I would like to do an sbs where each individual part could stand on it's own or be linked together to follow a figure from start to finish. I was very impressed with Jason Whitman's Union soldier study and how much life can be put into a simple figure. This is the type of piece that would really work best for the sbs. I'd really like to hear more thoughts on the subject, in addition to what you'd like to see. Thanks.~Gary
Originally posted by thegoodsgt@Apr 13 2005, 07:22 AM
I have to say that looking at additional SBS's will not help me learn to sculpt (but then again, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer either). What I really need to see is a video or live demonstration that shows me the subtle nuances of how to apply the right amount of putty to an armature, roll it out to the appropriate thickness, and then press in the folds.
Steven, I'm looking to do the most detailed sbs that still photography will allow. I've wanted to do a similiar thing on my vBench, but hate the thought of a single figure dragging on for 30+ pages because I've shown every single step. I do appreciate your comments and opinions and I see where you're coming from, nothing replaces seeing the work actually being done.~Gary
I'm about to finnish my first sculpt. I'm having most problems with anatomy, so that's what I voted for. I'm also having problems with the other topics, but most with anatomy, so to me that would be most usefull. If you ever need pictures "how not to do it" just mail me and I send them in.


I really appreciate those that took the time to cast their vote and or post a message. I have decided to do an sbs on the entire process of sculpting a figure. A subject has not been decided on (have an idea though) as of yet. Please keep voting and posting your thoughts. thanks again.~Gary
Gary, looking forward to your sbs. We will all benefit from it. And thanks for taking the time to do one.

If I may give my 2 bits worth-IMO, sbs's are a great tool but the only way to get your "boots muddy" is to jump in and start sculpting. Anatomy, technique etc.,etc will come with practice. LOTS of it! NOBODY is going to sculpt a "masterpiece" his or her first time off. If your serious about sculpting, and want to feel good about your work, some sacrifice's may have to be made. For one, give up stock figures, and devote ALL your energy to sculpting. Another, (I'm sure some will disagree) is to stick with one scale. Don't go from doing a 54 then jump to a bust. We all pretty much have a favorite scale. Pick one, study your favorite sculptors work, and go at it! The technique you aquire doing a certain scale, for a period of time, should carry over to the scale size up..or down. If you have to keep your brush wet, then alternate, for every two fig's you sculpt, paint a stock figure...Preferably, in the same scale your sculpting. And stick to it! It takes time getting to a level your happy with. You'll NEVER be totally satistfied with your creation. Pleased maybe, but never content. But that's what will drive you to make the next one better! We will always be our own worst critic.

IMO, there's no greater satisfaction in this hobby, than creating your own figure, looking back and being proud of what you did. :)

For what it's worth.

Hi all,

I agree is is better to begin at the beginning: first things first. Proportions and anatomical volume, and posing, are paramount. If you fail to get these right, no matter how well you model the rest you will never be able to end with a good figure. And I talk from my own experiences on this respect! The first figures I modelled had these kind of shortcomings, although I was not aware ot them at the time.

Thanks, Gary, for your initiative!
