What's on your list to Santa?


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I hope it will be the Indiana Jones and father in sidecar by Andrea!!! Or any other Pegaso or Andreafigure I haven't got yet.

oooh! good one!
where to start?............a few figures with a medieval, roman or ancient flavour!.....anything to get me away from WW2 stuff!!!
A comprehensive selection of vallejo acrylics (Used to really like painting with citadel acrylics, but their colour range is a bit restrictive)
A workbench!! (not the dining room table! :angry: )
A set of really expensive brushes
And so on and so forth
Oh, and not forgetting the bottomless wallet to pay for all this!!! :(


Oh, and Gino's already mentioned the Indy + BMW R75 combo!!!
OK guys - what about a figure that hasn't seen light of day yet? I would like a 120mm Polish Lancer at the charge a la Waterloo or any really spectacular Red Indian on a horse at full gallop ( I was lucky enough to get the Fort Duquense Wickiska Sioux 2 years ago)
Originally posted by Bluesking@Oct 23 2003, 05:04 PM
OK guys - what about a figure that hasn't seen light of day yet?
Not quite a figure that's never seen the light of day, more one that's been absent for a long time.
When I was a lot younger, I "got into" the old Chota Sahib range of figures, sculpted by the late Sid Horton, and one of the ones I had but never really got round to painting properly was a figure of a modern french foreign legionaire, I would love to have another go at that one, but sadly, even though Sarum Soldiers seem to have some of the old moulds, they only seem to be releasing the British subjects :(
Never mind

Originally posted by simon1969@Oct 24 2003, 07:54 AM
Not quite a figure that's never seen the light of day, more one that's been absent for a long time.
When I was a lot younger, I "got into" the old Chota Sahib range of figures, sculpted by the late Sid Horton, and one of the ones I had but never really got round to painting properly was a figure of a modern french foreign legionaire, I would love to have another go at that one, but sadly, even though Sarum Soldiers seem to have some of the old moulds, they only seem to be releasing the British subjects :(
Never mind

A lot of the early Verlinden Napoleonics in 120mm was done by Sid Horton..

BTW, I had the distinct pleasure of finishing the 200mmm Guards Grenadier full figure he was in the middle of working on when he passed away.. it was a tad eerie, but a highlight of my sculpting career nonetheless..
Originally posted by gordy@Oct 24 2003, 08:04 AM
BTW, I had the distinct pleasure of finishing the 200mmm Guards Grenadier full figure he was in the middle of working on when he passed away.. it was a tad eerie, but a highlight of my sculpting career nonetheless..
I'll bet it was eerie!
At least I know why I'm hanging around here now, I think I'm hoping that some of the vast collective talent present on these forums will rub off onto me by association

Quang, Santa always is good to me when travelling north from Europe.

What would I like to see in my stocking on Christmas morning? Something old and something new?
On the "old " front, I would like to try something like a large scale Polish Winged Hussar, for the new? I would ooze with pleasure if someone were to produce a 90mm or 120mm Siuox Eagle Dancer.

Try as I may I always come back to the Indians, in the end.
I'm easy to please. Books, books, and more books. One can never have enough references. I also like soundtrack music, especially from a historically based film.~Gary
After thinking about this for a while I would like

the White models European Horseman and/or The new andrea Mounted Curiasser(wished i'd bought him at euro).

Hi Poch,

I thought that collecting kits came with the hobby of painting figures. I don't know how long you have been in figures, but over 30 years I have ammassed quite a collection in my "grey army" and also in my "Tomb of the unfinished Soldier" I guess it kinda goes with the hobby huh?

Guy (y)
Hi Guy,

I've been collecting figures for over 30 years too maybe nearer 40. I rarely get time to build or paint them nowadays, although I help my son with his wargame figures,which is not the same.

Hey Poch,
It'd never too late to dive back into doing your own again. A little break is ok, but now maybe it's time, huh? The figures over the years since the first show at MFCA in 73 I went to have vastly improved in quality. Unfortunetly the price has gone up as well. I remember Jim Beaver selling kits in grab boxes under his booth for 2 dollars each. When I went to Jersey to visit my first miniature store, The Skirmish Line, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. whew.....if my wife ever found out how much I spent that day......I'm a dead duck. My wife now tells me I have enough inventory to open shop, but I keep telling her it's part of the hobby (right guys)..

Guy (y)
Hi Guy

It's nice to know I'm not the only one who keeps exactly how much I spend on figures a secret from my wife

A friend of mine who makes aircraft kits, tells me that the secret is to buy the kits with the large boxes and hide the little ones inside it.
Hey Richard.......That'll work....better than keeping them in an old freezer huh?. My wife now is pretty understanding as she is a book collector and comes home with a book quite often. Now my ex.....a different story.

Guy (y)
Seems like I must have a super good wife. She knows of each and every figure I've bought so far. She knows it's my life and she prefers me painting figures at home then spending lots of cash becoming drunk in a pub.
