Who makes a good book on the Uniforms and weapons of the British Camel Corp


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Von Bock

A Fixture
Dec 19, 2004
Gambier Ohio USA
Hello, Just getting some information ready on an idea I have be awhile before I start it so I looked around no real luck who makes a good book on the Uniforms and weapons of the British camel Corp in the Sudan Wars? I don't get to check the site as often as I like so please feel free to E-mail me any thoughts or ideas on a book didn't see one by Osprey but thinking along those lines. You can contact me at Emberzilla1(at) Yahoo (dot) com. Thank you for your time and help. Regards, Brock

Do a google search "Camel Corps Sudan" ....lots of pictures worth looking at

I'm surprised-two of those plates in Nap's post are from Osprey books, but searching their website ("british camel corps", "camel corps"), didn't return any titles dedicated to the subject. They do have several books on the British army in the Sudan, and I suspect that those include content on the Camel Corps, like those plates. But that would be another source, if you could find a specific title.

As the Camel Corps were assembled mainly as a mounted infantry regiment, much of the equipment would be of infantry heritage, with riding breeches, bandoliers, carbines, etc sourced from wherever possible. The blue/grey jackets were originally a hot weather concession to replaces the red tunics, but in true fashion they were customised in regimental fashion with the addition of cloth patches, etc. There were regulations laid down, but it is unlikely that they were rigidly adhered to, as befitting the slightly ad hoc nature of the units themselves!(y)
The top plate is from Osprey Men-At-Arms #201 The British Army on Campaign (4), and the last plate is from Osprey Men-At-Arms #59 The Sudan Campaigns 1881-98. The Camel Corps and Gordon Relief Expedition are subjects which I am very interested in. These two books, outside of a few magazine articles, are really all that is published concerning the uniforms of the Camel Corps as far as I know.

Thank you Brad and Scott. Looking at some wonderful figures of the Camel Corps painted up on goggle they range in color from almost a royle blue to a very light blue to a grey color on the tunics found one photo from a museum that has it a grey blue and kind of dark but after all it is a museum piece that hasn't seen the weather and wear of the Sudan. Perhaps I'm putting to much worry in the color. Regards, Brock
What figures of the Camel Corps are you working on? I have a couple by Beneito eagerly waiting for me to start on along with a few from Troop54 and a fantastic little vignette from Onira farther back in the stash.

Von Bock

If you have access them there's a series of articles all about the campaign and cameltroops in old editions of Military Modelling

Look forward to seeing the figures
