WIP Critique WIP first model


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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Hello All
Seeing all the stunning work here, it's intimidating to post first tries, but I decided it would be better to get critique in the early stages...still lots to do, of course.
I've painted for years (fine art) but this is a whole new ball game!

I wanted a tough, weathered look to the face and might have lost control a bit... and I'm having a really tough time with eyes (mine are no hell either, come to think of it:confused:). Not sure how to fix them; it looks all right until you get up close.
ah, the joys of the digital camera!
Your comments/advice are welcome.


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For your first one it is very promising. And you have alot to do as you say.
For the eye: I recommend that you should avoid painting the eyeball white. A lighter skincolor is much better.
I paint the pupil with a needle. After that i underline the eye with burnt sienna and the upper eyelid with burnt umber. That will avoid the popeyed look. The most difficulty for me as right handed is the right eye of the figure. Therefore i paint that first. That direction of the eye is then painted on the left eye of the figure.


but the start is quite good, with eyes knows everyone here.
There's no recipe, I think.
However, you have painted a Templar and there are several things to consider.
It was only permitted the knights to wear white, so Habbit and coat, all the other wore gray, black, or brown.
If you want to display it historically correct, you must decide if coat Habbit and white, then the Knights Templar. Habbit or jacket and gray, brown, or black, then sergeant,or commoner. .
I'm curious about your progress.

If this is your first try I couldn't be more impressed! Keep on with what you're doing and keep us caught up with the progression of this piece.

There are some excellent articles on this site, a step-by-step for doing eyes in particular. As well, the other members are a great reference, especially if you don't know any other painters in your area.

Keep up the great work!!
I decided to stick to the box colors to keep things simple, and I certainly was encouraged by the great versions Planeteers have done on this piece (especially Ruslan's!!)
I'll post pics as I work, you guys are awesome. I don't have anyone modelling in my area beyond model railroaders, so without PF I'd be lost for sure.
note to Marc, I am redoing the eyes :)
thanks to all
From what I can see Mary. I think you've let the irises come on to the lower lids, that's what's giving the demonic look. A bit fiddly, but as Marc says, try and paint them out. I'm not one for the darker outlining of the lids, as I always end up with them looking as though they have eyeliner on.:confused:
Good first effort,
If you are near Toronto, there's a shop called The Sentry. It's were I buy all my figs and supplies. The owners (faether and son team) are also hobbyist, the younger is a great painter and loves to toss around ideas and is very helpful.
Not bad for first attempt and I applaud on you for having the guts to show it.
We're not a bad bunch of guys here and the way to improve is to do exactly what your doing.

I think the flesh is absolutely great, very impressive. Someone has stated about not using true white and I agree. As for the eyes it's just a bit more practice required for these. If you look at other peoples bust and study thrm for a wee bit you'll see lots of things including sighting of the eyes, white colour, black colour. if you see a particular thing you need explained then just pm the artist they will be happy to sahre their knowledge.

I would be very happy if my first attempt at a bust was this good.
Thanks for sharing,
I painted some tiny 28mm game figures to get the hang of it but they didn't turn out well;
too small! This is my first try at a larger model. Am working on re-doing the eyes---it's going to take awhile to master it for sure.
Your encouragement is very much appreciated!
Hi Mary. I always paint the eyes first as if the paint overlaps onto the skin area this can then be painted over. The eyes are always the hardest area of the bust to paint and I try to have the bust look to the left or to the right as 1. It makes the piece more interesting and 2. It gets away from that "scary staring" look. Have a look at my effort at this bust. Its on this site somewhere. It may help. Also, Ruslans piece is fantastic. You have taken on an awesome bust for a first try and I applaud you for this. It will come with time and practice. Well done. (y)
thank you John, yours is wonderful...I've improved it somewhat but you're right, it takes lots of practice. I'll be posting more pix in a day or so...
Hi Mary

If you choose the side view towards the company you keep and also the problem of strabismus.

When looking straight ahead, put the figure at the head, then you can see if are the same for pupils.



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