WIP my first buste of a britisch RAF Spitfirepilot


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Bert Takken

Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2004
Bodegraven, Netherlands
Well guys and gals
I'm a bit afraid to post here for two reasons: the language and my work.
for the first, well I tell myself "no problem old boy, they didn't speak any word of the dutch language" ok, I have some convience

But to show my first buste, thats an other story, there are so many pro's here on the forum, and I know you all kind man, i'm a bit afraid for injuries when you roll off your chair of laughing and your wife or girlfriend will be very upset because she had buy the Christmastree, put it in the car and built it up in the house.

Well.....after this very stupid introduction I'll be serious.
A couple of months ago I was talking with Rene Duret (also a member of here) and I told him that I really want to make an own buste and paint it, but that i never did something and had some fear about it. He said, if you can paint a buste, you can sculpt one. O yeah, I can drive my car, but I'm really not an Andretti. He said just start and see were the ship is sinking.

After a time thinking and searching for reference, because I' ve no knowlegde about the details I bought some Fimo, ripoff a head from a 200 mm figure and made a base.
Now I know, watch the dimensions of a human body while my pilot is more a type you will find at McDonald.
BUT...................I LIKE sculpting, it's very nice to see a figure is growing and looking every step more as a real person.

I'll post some progresspics, but remember grab your table and stay in your chair.





Now I'm busy with the flightcap and i must made the oxigen mask as well

Hola Bert,

Very entertaining introduction! Your english is good!! Or like you might say, 1000 times better then my dutch :)

The bust is looking good, the detail work is excellent, especially for your first time sculpting!

Looking forward to the next installment.
Greeting Bert. . .

Hello Bertus:

You're are doing very fine work, especially for your very first sculpting job. I
don't have that kind of courage, but I like painting them. The detail work is
very nice.

I wanted to mention that your English is very good. No trouble catching your
meaning, at all. And I really enjoy your sense of humor. That was the first
thing I noticed about your writing, and it gave me a good chuckle. :)

Good luck, Bert. . . and I wish you well,

Well, im a very new with sculptures just like you but you are in advantage because your english is much better than mine. I liked your work here, the face is very good. Im no one to say anything to you but i think you shouldnt stop to sculpt because you can be a great artist.
Congrats (y)
Dat ziet er goed uit jongen. Ga verder, en vergeet niet het eindresultaat te tonen.

Looking very good. Go on, en don't forget to show the result.

Auw............felt off my chair by reading the comments. i'm blussing till my....censored word...

I really like adding the details, it takes some time to search on the www but it paid back.

Anders, if you will you van learn some dutch, take a look at the posting of Mark the dutch and englisch words are fast on the same place in the sentence http://www.planetfigure.com/forums/images/icons/icon12.gif

The cap give me more problems then expected, strange, but the toughtes will be soon: making the goggles
most, and foremost :KEEP GOING!! Bert ( doorrrgaan, fooral doorrgaan:), Bert)

the dices are thrown, the cards are on table!
Enjoy the game of thinking and searching for replacements when puzzling on your sculpts.
When you are really uncertain about some words, open an extra tab in your browser where you can verify or compare or look up some words that wouldn't come out in case you didn't.

I always knew you would have a go at this.

but be aware....it's very addictive.
For good sculpters a week is a long time...

regards to Caro,

Great intro,but joking aside you will find that no one in the pf. communitity will poke fun at any project submitted,only bags of encouragement and advice.So keep going,gain expieriance and finish the bust.Look forward to seeing it completed,
Thanks guys
I'm really happy you all like it
it give me support enough to do a next one, but I don't know now what kinda bust I want to make. Maybe something from the Vietnam era

But for now we goes several years back in time and heading for 1941 . Made the flying cap, the goggles and the radiocable. I not sure I made the earcaps aswell, by this type of helmet there are two big earphons on the side, but the next model the earphones were gone and replace for some smaller ones




Knowing your style a little, I realize you regard painting a few little spitfires as a refection on the goggles as an option :)

for now, well done Bert.

when you would try a 1/16er once, I have some usefull parts like heads, boots, or whatever for you.
D*mn, you know me better then my girlfriend, it was coming up in my mind to make a reflection into the glasses. The most people couldn't appricate the F14 pilot, but I like it and I'm like a donkey, always going my own way
it isn't that simple, otherwise everyone can do it.

This is what I realize when I starting with the arms for two days ago.
Can you imagine, two days playing with Fimo, and the end results are mwah?
the right arm is still ok for me (I want him leaning on a piece of wing or 20 mm winggun, but the left arm, maybe stolen from a dwarf.But took some pics so you can advice me. Maybe I shall do the leftarm on front and backside a bit thicker?
also the wrinkles just under the elbow aren't that ok, I think. Like the most things it seems so easy.

Ow, and the glove, thats just a try-out for the visual idear





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