Wiring a shadow box


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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2004
Western Massachusetts
I am an electrical moron. I am working on a shadow box and I could use some help finding information on lighting the thing. I am open to the use of batteries or a transformer.
It will be a dark street scene illuminated by the glow gas lamps. I will uses spots to highlight specific areas.

I have been on line and have both of Shep's diorama books, but I am still scratching my head.

How about the local electronics shop?

the local radio shack shop is as good a place to start.

Either take a snap shot or a rough diagram in to the shop, explain what you want to acheive, ask a lot of questions....good shop workers will assist, not so good, go somewhere else. Plus, dealing with the local shop, they can also help with trouble shooting.

Like any thing, the more you ask, the more info there seems to be......specific questions will help sort out the relevant from the interesting....


PS; reading your post, the gas lamps are probably best simulated by LED's (light emitting Diodes) and the spots by some sort of bulb. LED's use not very much power, the globes more so. Perhaps have two separate circuits & power for each, with independent switches. Batteries are simpler to use and wire up. Got Shep's books, and wile the concepts are solid, technology moves forward. If this is your first wiring effort, run with simpler battery power, to make success more achievable....
Hi Herb

The easiest way for your first box is to use a simple 12v transformer from a dolls house, there are many doll house stores across the states and they all set complete lighting sets with plug in lights and mini extension blocks which cover more than one light. Just keep safety in mind you never work on wires when it is plugged in!

You can purchase mini lights from the doll stores which will simulate gas lights .

If you check my web page at www.grailmodels.moonfruit.com and look at the Broken Wings Box Diorama you can see a gas light in the left corner which is illuminated this way.

I hope this helps

Regards John
These have been very helpful,unfortunately my local radio shack uses kids who work hard but but are short on theory. Was hoping for a plug and play kind of thing but looks like I'll be (gasp) learning something new. Is'nt that what this hobby is all about?
Howdy Herb,

The local Michaels and Hobby Lobby sell doll houses, furniture, and accessories. You may be able to find a lighting kit there as well.

I'm planning on doing a 30mm wizard babe and replacing the orb on her staff with a blue(ish) LED. My issue is how to pop all the stuff into a base that's about 1" x 1" or so.

