Workshop Roadmap Update!!


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Jan 10, 2012
Quick Update infos:
  • Advanced Class german PDF added (Download PDF)
  • Seminar of 24th November will be a german Beginner Class instead of OSL
  • We are planning a seminar in Augsburg on 26th-28th October
    with Alfonso Giraldes aka "Banshee" - stay tuned for details.
  • Learn to master speedpainting in this class - still some seats available:
    • 19 May (1 day): Zombie Speed Painting Masterclass (English) (Download PDF)
Quick overview
- here are the dates and topics for 2018:

  • 13 January (1 day): Object Source Light Masterclass (in German) (Review)
  • 2 - 4 February (3 days): Beginner class (German) (Download PDF) (Review, coming soon!)
  • 23 - 25 February (3 days): Basing class (English) (Download PDF)
  • 9 - 11 March (3 days): Beginner class (English) (Download PDF)
  • 16 - 18 March: Basing class (German) (Download PDF)
  • 7 April (1 day): Zombie Speed Painting Masterclass (German) (Download PDF)
  • 28 April (1 day): OSL Masterclass (English) (Download PDF)
  • 12 May (1 day): Painting a Space Marine Masterclass (German) (Download PDF)
  • 19 May (1 day): Zombie Speed Painting Masterclass (English) (Download PDF)
  • 29th June - 1st July (3 days): Beginner class (German) (Download PDF)
  • 13th -15th July (3 days): Advanced class (German) (Download PDF)
  • 20th - 22th July (3 days): Beginner class (English) (Download PDF)
  • 3rd - 4th August (2 days): Material Masterclass (German) (PDF coming soon!)
  • 5th -7th October (3 days): Advanced class (English) (PDF coming soon!)
  • 24th November (1 day/3 days): Beginner Class (German) (Download PDF)
  • 1st December (1 day): Zombie Speed Painting Masterclass (German) (Download PDF)
  • 8th December (1 day): "Class for Children up to 12 years" (German) (PDF coming soon!)
  • 14th - 16th December (3 days): Basing Class (English) (Download PDF)

If you have any questions please send a mail to Peter & Roman via: workshop[at]massivevoodoo[dot]com

And very important: NOVA OPEN 2018
Roman is teaching seminars in the US again this year. Only at NOVA OPEN 2018.
Including his first ever 2.5 days of Beginner Class overseas - do not miss this chance:

- 26th - 28th August (3 days): NOVA OPEN - Beginner Class
- 30th August (1 hour): NOVA OPEN - Introduction into Display Painting
- 31st August (4 hours): NOVA OPEN -Creating a story and compositon with miniatures
- 31st August (3 hours): NOVA OPEN - Dramatic Lightning
- 1st September (1 hour): NOVA OPEN - Introduction into Display Painting
- 1st September (3 hours): NOVA OPEN - Dramatic Lightning

Also check back with the other great seminars NOVA OPEN brings you in 2018:
So many good teachers ready to level up your skill!

See the full roadmap to your left on your Massive Voodoo blog
- always there for you to check back:

Keep on happy painting and see you for hands on learning :)

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