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Here are 110 hotels around Veldhoven:,4208993,4223281,4252074,4253230,4254308,4258168,4260007,4265959,4270442,4274032,4274649,4276206,4276917,4250437,4251519,4256178,4265427,4267036,4270859&hl=nl&gl=nl&un=1&q=hotels in veldhoven&rp=OAFAAEgC&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwiXxI7q_5vjAhVPY1AKHbupDHoQtccEegQIChBJ&hrf=CgUIrwEQACIDRVVSKhYKBwjjDxAHGB0SBwjjDxAHGB4YASgAsAEAWAGaAQsSCVZlbGRob3ZlbqIBFQoIL20vMHZsdjgSCVZlbGRob3ZlbqoBDgoCCCESAggvEgIIWhgBqgEKCgIIERICCEAYAaoBEQoDCKkBEgMIqwESAwiqARgBkgECIAE&tcfs=Ei8KCC9tLzB2bHY4EglWZWxkaG92ZW4aGAoKMjAxOS0wNy0yORIKMjAxOS0wNy0zMFIA

The WE is held in Veldhoven wich is a very small town. The greatest city near Veldhoven is Eindhoven. We can't blame the organizers. Beside that, the Netherlands are one of the most expensive country's for staying at a hotel.
That's why I do just one day at the SMC and no difference at the WE. Its a 2 hour drive from my home. I know it's alot nearer then most of you.
I hope the prices where not the main rule for not coming.


Look forward to seeing you at both show Marc..
I've been reading the threads about Eindhoven and will decide whether or not to go nearer the time. I'm going to put a radius of an hour's drive be car around the show and see what I'm able to find then.
The question is will this in reality be much bigger than SMC and if not what happens at that time?

Interestingly at Stresa I booked a room in the town a few weeks before the show at reasonable cost which is why tourist venues or large cities make better sense to hold the show in my opinion.


I've been reading the threads about Eindhoven and will decide whether or not to go nearer the time. I'm going to put a radius of an hour's drive be car around the show and see what I'm able to find then.
The question is will this in reality be much bigger than SMC and if not what happens at that time?

Interestingly at Stresa I booked a room in the town a few weeks before the show at reasonable cost which is why tourist venues or large cities make better sense to hold the show in my opinion.




try AirB&B