PlanetFigure Supporter
Here are 110 hotels around Veldhoven:
https://www.google.com/travel/hotels/Veldhoven?g2lb=2502405,4208993,4223281,4252074,4253230,4254308,4258168,4260007,4265959,4270442,4274032,4274649,4276206,4276917,4250437,4251519,4256178,4265427,4267036,4270859&hl=nl&gl=nl&un=1&q=hotels in veldhoven&rp=OAFAAEgC&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwiXxI7q_5vjAhVPY1AKHbupDHoQtccEegQIChBJ&hrf=CgUIrwEQACIDRVVSKhYKBwjjDxAHGB0SBwjjDxAHGB4YASgAsAEAWAGaAQsSCVZlbGRob3ZlbqIBFQoIL20vMHZsdjgSCVZlbGRob3ZlbqoBDgoCCCESAggvEgIIWhgBqgEKCgIIERICCEAYAaoBEQoDCKkBEgMIqwESAwiqARgBkgECIAE&tcfs=Ei8KCC9tLzB2bHY4EglWZWxkaG92ZW4aGAoKMjAxOS0wNy0yORIKMjAxOS0wNy0zMFIA
The WE is held in Veldhoven wich is a very small town. The greatest city near Veldhoven is Eindhoven. We can't blame the organizers. Beside that, the Netherlands are one of the most expensive country's for staying at a hotel.
That's why I do just one day at the SMC and no difference at the WE. Its a 2 hour drive from my home. I know it's alot nearer then most of you.
I hope the prices where not the main rule for not coming.
Look forward to seeing you at both show Marc..