Lets look at the Resin
Title: WW1 German Frontline Soldier
Scale: approx 90mm
No of pieces: 5 including base
Material: Gray Resin
Sculptor:Max Chertov of Latvia
3DPrint/Casting: Casimiro Bucceri did the 3dprint and he had someone else do the casting.
Consisting of torso, legs, head, weapon and a base
Remove small amount of excess in the neck area , and fine casting line from head rear and sand off the raised areas on the cap top ,then dryfit the head and then fit in position , the locating post on the neck underside is cleanly cast , on the review piece no putty was required
There is another casting line running down the left arm ......easy to remove with sanding or a sharp blade (be careful)
You will need to fit the legs into the torso ...a very simple process and also the weapon handle edge
has a small amount of sanding needed
General look around the resin:
The torso is cast with the hands in the pockets as in the picture , the coat slightly open at the lower edge , at the collar there is the lutzen , which looking at the reference look like full patches , buttons are central on the coat fully buttoned up with the weapon carrying strap cast onto the upper torso going across the left shoulder, shoulder straps are plain and sitting nicely in place , folds and creases are soft and natural in keeping with the material
Hanging over the collar and right shoulder is a trench whistle , a real nice addition , I have shown a german version in the references , british styles were also used
You will note a couple of things ...the lower part has a surface texture , this is to simulate the mud we see in the picture and secondly the underneath is fully hollow , fit being into a accurate cutout

The legs are wearing the marching boots , the trousers full and showing good creases for approx , fits simple and being separate allows full painting before hand , you will note again the boots again have the "mud" texture on them

The head is nicely done , all features are easy to get to and formed well, the cap is well scaled in thickness , the peak a good shaping , he has a closely shaved head , often seen to avoid or at least help with the lice etc
Note: The reference I have shown has a camo band around the lower part , underneath this it would be a red band

The weapon is as stated a Mauser with the broomhandle , this is a good version of it with the mechanism well shown , fit is no issue

Finally the base , a well textured base with clear areas where the feet fit onto , the lower edges needing a bit of sanding but nothing major , you could also use it within a larger base and with more scaled figures
Final Thoughts
A very useful figure well thought out in respect the casting and the build plenty of options to weather the piece , very little prep and a good reference to work from
For more details and to order contact Nick Majerus at this email: [email protected]
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***See update below***
Thanks for looking in
Happy benchtime