Hi everyone
Thought I would take a look at a interesting release from American modeller Nick Majerus , well respected in our hobby's community and a PF member
Nick first announced this whilst in the process of a house move so all credit for his dedication ...link here: https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/coming-soon-french-mary-acw.312675/
Her uniform was based around the actual regiments and included a Navy shell jacket , red piping , red or white blouse and skirt in a navy blue with red hoops also worn was a pair of red trouser "a la Zouave"
A later newspaper report stated that the new barrel was decorated by each section being painted in a red , white and blue ...on one end a eagle (presumably the US version) and on the other the wording "French Mary", 114th Pennsylvania
As a weapon she carried a Remington 44 pistol
She survived the entire war after which she suffered not only from her wounds but also a abusive marriage , she filed for divorce ( almost unheard of at the time ) but didn't follow this up , refused a military pension as well resulting in 1901 the desperate act of taking her own life by drinking a poison

Ladies served in many armies here is a couple of books you might find of interest , Osprey were apparently planning a ACW book in the elite series but I haven't seen it yet

The 3D master image
Here we have Nicks painted version

Parts were packed in a small box with foam chippings, the smaller parts in a resealable bag ,
Parts consist of the torso , 2 arms , head , bonnet, 2 straps, holster, the barrel , the pouring spout/tap , no base is included
Torso...clean off excess resin and fill small air holes underneath , fine casting line to sand off at sides
Arms...Excess resin from rear of sleeves , flashing on hand
Head...Sand off top
Bonnet....Clean up edge of feather and then fit bonnet to head
Barrel....Remove casting excess and fit
Straps/Tap....Fit into place
Holster...Remove casting excess and fit
General Comments
Some might like to reduce the straps in thickness or replace them
The overall piece IMO has quite soft casting , all area's are there but I feel there could be sharper definition overall with the exception of the bonnet which has good texture work
When I do my version I will work on the hair a bit more and probably fill the eyes in with putty as they are not full
Continued in next post
Thought I would take a look at a interesting release from American modeller Nick Majerus , well respected in our hobby's community and a PF member
Nick first announced this whilst in the process of a house move so all credit for his dedication ...link here: https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/coming-soon-french-mary-acw.312675/

The subject is a ACW female hero named Mary Tepe but known as "French Mary" due to her origin , who acted as a Vivandiere in the famous union regiment the 114th Pennsylvania being involved in 13 battles including Fredericksburg where she was wounded and awarded a silver cup and Chancellorville at which her skirt was decimated by bullets and the plain wood whisky barrel smashed after which she was awarded the famous Kearney Cross (see pictures)Her uniform was based around the actual regiments and included a Navy shell jacket , red piping , red or white blouse and skirt in a navy blue with red hoops also worn was a pair of red trouser "a la Zouave"
A later newspaper report stated that the new barrel was decorated by each section being painted in a red , white and blue ...on one end a eagle (presumably the US version) and on the other the wording "French Mary", 114th Pennsylvania
As a weapon she carried a Remington 44 pistol
She survived the entire war after which she suffered not only from her wounds but also a abusive marriage , she filed for divorce ( almost unheard of at the time ) but didn't follow this up , refused a military pension as well resulting in 1901 the desperate act of taking her own life by drinking a poison
Her grave was located in 1988 and a headstone put up..........this is tended by a lady called CINDY McSHANE who you see here at the grave....... for more details including excellent videos visit the website [email protected]

Ladies served in many armies here is a couple of books you might find of interest , Osprey were apparently planning a ACW book in the elite series but I haven't seen it yet

Details of the release
Title: French Mary
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Light cream resin
Number of Pieces: 10
Sculptor 3D Master by Italian Maxim Maximus
Casting: Nick Majerus
The 3D master image

Here we have Nicks painted version

Parts were packed in a small box with foam chippings, the smaller parts in a resealable bag ,
Parts consist of the torso , 2 arms , head , bonnet, 2 straps, holster, the barrel , the pouring spout/tap , no base is included
Torso...clean off excess resin and fill small air holes underneath , fine casting line to sand off at sides
Arms...Excess resin from rear of sleeves , flashing on hand
Head...Sand off top
Bonnet....Clean up edge of feather and then fit bonnet to head
Barrel....Remove casting excess and fit
Straps/Tap....Fit into place
Holster...Remove casting excess and fit
General Comments
Some might like to reduce the straps in thickness or replace them
The overall piece IMO has quite soft casting , all area's are there but I feel there could be sharper definition overall with the exception of the bonnet which has good texture work
When I do my version I will work on the hair a bit more and probably fill the eyes in with putty as they are not full
Continued in next post