Turned backwards – A horse’s ears turned backside might have several different meanings. Even though this attitude is better known as sign from the horse to advise the rider it is irritated and maybe ready to attack, it only means such feeling when followed by the exposure of the white part of the horse’s eyes, mouth corners contraction or head shaking.
The horse may turn its ears backwards when it is just paying attention to noises that come from behind, like for instance the rider’s voice, or even when it is feeling sleepy. Horses also usually turn their ears rearwards when they’re galloping or performing some hard task.
It is clearly important to know and differentiate the circumstances, because in case of an aggression sign the rider must take precautions and scold the horse. On the other hand, you shouldn’t reprimand it if it is just listening to your directions or just sleepy.
There are a lot of horses that don’t use the aggressive expression towards people and you shouldn’t acquire one of those. Amongst themselves, however, it is extremely common for them to use such expressions and then start kicking and neighing.
Turned forward – Horses usually turn their ears in the direction of their interests, so when they turn their ears to the front it usually means that they are interested and paying attention. They also ‘greet’ each other through this attitude.
Nevertheless, front-turned ears might also mean that the horse is sensing some kind of danger. In such cases, the animal will raise its neck and demonstrate awareness.