WIP YM German Stormtrooper WWI


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A Fixture
Nov 3, 2003
Tallahassee, Florida
Latest project. YM German Stormtrooper WWI. This is a superb bust to paint. Loved the paint scheme on the helmet by Dmitry Fesechko (http://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/9722), so I imitated it. Also went with a cigarette instead of the pipe that comes with the kit. Hope to have more pics soon.


I think this is only artistic freedom.
The totenkoph insigne wasn't never painted on a helmet, and definetely not on this M1916 and 1917 Steel helmet with the camo pattern.
The Stahlhelm whas originally painted field grey (Feldgrau) and was often camouflaged by the troops into the field. They used, mud, cloth covers and paint. Formally the camouflage paint was introduced in July 1918 by a order signed by General Erich Ludendorff on July 7 in 1918. From this day on there where official standards for the helmet camouflage. The order was that the color should be relevant to the season. The black line should separate the colors and must be one finger wide.

Well done James. I'll leave the issue of the helmet and simply say that the face is wonderful and replacing the pipe with a cigarette is a good option. I've just finished this bust myself, so I'm keen to see how you do it.
James, great serious troubled looking face, just like mine when trying to paint figures, I got this bust too and it is one hell of a nice kit so just like some of the other guys I will be following your progress with added interest, great job done on it so far, crack on.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I know the helmet art may not be historically accurate, but I do like the look. To me it gives the piece a little more interest if nothing else. I can imagine some young bad-ass stormtrooper wanting to make a statement and then getting in trouble with his commander once he found out! :sneaky: Oh well, it was an enjoyable exercise if nothing else.

I'm actually almost done with this piece. More pics to come soon.

James, I'm looking forward to see this bust finished, helmet and head were painted extremely well.
Histerically accurate or not, it shows extra creativity, I'm sure we all agree on that.
Have fun finishing sir !
As everyone said - very nice paintjob. If you like it that way it is all what the hobby is about. If you display it to others you have to accept all kind of feedback - historical and accuracy-comments included - that is what PF is about.
Possible inspiration for the helmet decoration (still a member of the Freikorps):
Thanks Wayne.

I don't mind folks pointing out historical inaccuracies, makes us all better informed and generally if we're doing a historical subject we should be accurate with history. That being said, I like to have a little fun sometimes. It was a challenge to paint and weather and (a BIG stretch) COULD have be done by some rebel soldier or unit o_O??

Any who... Hopefully I'll have this one wrapped up before long. Hope to have him ready for the Atlanta Show in February.

Hi mate
Beautiful art work love the tones on the face and the uniform I agree I do like the ciggerette , they really do make some great figure busts ,I don't know enough historical detail for that period I am a bit the same with regard the helmet detail , I think it gives it that extra bit of interest I also value the members of the sites historical knowledge which I find to be awesome , although we have to be very carful that we say that would or never have happened , I once did a figure conversion of my dad during the Normandy campaign I posted it not on this site on another years ago ..... I was told that I had the equipment wrong foot wear wrong etc would not have been allowed to carry a side arm , I did depict the figure carrying, one cut down fur lined German flying boots my dad had wrapped German parachute silk around his upper body then put his battle dress on over the top so it was sticking out every where , he carried a Walter p38 ...dad was a private ..he also used a mP40 and carried the Ross rifle , so regulation wise he was right off the what to wear scale . I posted a pick of my dad to make the point
With regard the German helmet .... who knows he could have found it after his was damaged perhaps it fitted better perhaps he liked the look of it who knows , British infantry soldiers from the Second World War are always depicted as having perfectly formed webbing pouches there trousers perfectly tucked into there gaiters helmet scrim was ragged and torn as often were the trousers often around the kness as my dad said you spent a lot of your on your knees or stomach , so in a way this often left out historical accuracy of the uniforms is as important as what would have been regulation , I must say perticulary with Carl Reid's sculpts he cleaverly puts tears rips in uniforms that little touch which adds so much .
I just think we just should never say never ,
Just my 10 cents worth


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