Well, obviously Mike you have a very creative side, that is well developed
and a lot of imagination. This is very clever as so many of the Planeteers
have stated. It has to be so much fun to work in this fantasy genré where
there are no hard and fast rules re what the colours must be.
You also have a lot of colour harmony in the figure and the back of the base
where the blue tinting on the rock is located. I hope you'll allow a suggestion
to carry the colour harmony just a slight step further. I'd like to see some of
those muted tones you've painted on the figure, also used in the
gray rocks in the foreground.
And I would suggest one or two more different muted tones in the
sludge liquid that is coming out of the pipe. A very minor point, here you
understand. As the presentation stands now, it is just so clever, very well
executed, and shows a lot of imagination and intelligence. I believe some
call this "thinking outside the box". . . . Well done, mate, Jayhawker