Hi Stephen,Just seen your figure of the 74th NY.Great work! I like the uniforms of the zouave regiments of the Civil war.I have done the 5th NY reg/120mm Jaguer figure.Kind regards John
Hi Stephen,
Your figure came out looking very nice. A great piece to be proud of. Good sculpting and painting. Also, nice groundwork. What did you use for the grass?
Guys thanks for all your feedback. Regarding the groundwork there are two types of material. The tall one is a mystery to me because when I bought it ( damned if I remember from where!!) it stated on the pack as being natural deer hair !! Honestly I think the thing is syntetic but who am I to disagree. The shorter grass is natural. On my last visit to St.Vincent a friend of mine gave me this patch of soil with a layer of grass still attached. He said that he had used it successfully already. Seemed weird at the time but it work. I picked strips of grass with my tweezers and attached them with white glue. Washes of paint did the rest