A Fixture
I have worked with several refractive photographs. And you know I can't find them now. When I find it, I will help.

Thank you Offo, it’s really appreciated.I have worked with several refractive photographs. And you know I can't find them now. When I find it, I will help.
Just given the jumper a wash and then started picking out some of the texture Nap. Loving the detail on this bust.Hi Neal
Now it's really starting to come together , the colours of the ribbons add a nice touch of colour
Agree about the jumper , a shame not to push the textures
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for your efforts Offo.I think they were blue wings but in a circle. I really can't find the picture. But you can also apply another badge. You can choose.
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Thanks Bob, really appreciated.Fantastic Neal, excellent painting and superb colour.
Many thanks Chris.Coming along fantastic great subject would love to see more I have often thought of a two sided bust one side the young man the other the vet
Great work mate
Coming along fantastic great subject would love to see more I have often thought of a two sided bust one side the young man the other the vet
Great work mate
Thanks Mike, really appreciate the comments.Two superb pieces Neal..... Mike
Thanks Gordon, glad you like them.The veteran looks the dogs Neal and DeGaulle is coming along nicely. Both faces are full of character which reflects Pavols sculpting skills.
great work.