Houses of the Dragons


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A Fixture
Jul 21, 2010
Sitting in mah hoose in NE Asia
Given that I read G.R.R. Martins “Fire and Blood” a good while ago, which is a pseudo-history of the Targaryen Dynasty of Martin’s fantasy medieval world of Westeros -- I've been completely hooked on HBO's adaptation of the book, "House of the Dragons" for the past few weeks and intend to binge-watch all ten episodes of the newly-finished first season again this weekend, (Beer and Doritos already bought in).
So just to get myself hyped even more for the upcoming telly-marathon I decided to revamp a very old diorama, (first built >12 years ago), which was beginning to look somewhat poorly with several of the original figures having been removed to use in different projects.
So here's what I came up with.
All models used are nominal 54mm and as far as I can remember are from Pegaso, Draconia. Games Workshop, Morland Studio's, McFarlane and Crecy Miniatures.
The base is a wooden “Lazy Susan” from the local IKEA superstore and landscaped with celluclay, static grass, etc.
Diorama characters, loosely depicted and slightly re-named from the show, are as follows:-

Raenera Targaryen: Princess
Raenara Targaryen: Princess
Raenora Targaryen: Princess
Larya Stark: Lady of Winterfell
Thistles: Illegitimate Dragonseed
Lord Corlus Veleryon: The Sea Wyrm
Shroom the Jester: Court Fool and Historian
Daemian Targaryen: Black-Cloaked Moustache-Twirling Thug

Grey Baenefire: Teenage Dragon
Blue Baelefire: Pre-Teen Dragon
Brown Vargaerion: Toddler Dragon
Green Vorgaerion: Infant Dragon (climbing onto shield)
Green Vergaerion: Tiny Dragon (carried on Princess Raenara's forearm)










Holy cow, Harry! Another great diorama! You always have such great conversions of the stock figures. I keep going back and again to catch the details.

The only thing I'd criticize is....I like the books better than the series ;)

But seriously, outstanding work, my friend!

Holy cow, Harry! Another great diorama! You always have such great conversions of the stock figures. I keep going back and again to catch the details.

The only thing I'd criticize is....I like the books better than the series ;)

But seriously, outstanding work, my friend!


Cheers Brad...:)
Yeah, I normally prefer the books as well and after the showrunners complete train wreck in "Game of Thrones" Seasons 7 and 8, I was initially reluctant to bother much with "House of the Dragon".
However I was blown away by the great job HBO made of this first spin-off series from the World of Westeros. It was like going back to the excellence of GoT Season 1-4 before the screenwriters ran out of book material to adapt. Not a lot of combat action in this first season of HotD, but the dialog and political maneuvers were enjoyable, and pretty well done. Of course, the next season will heat up considerably now the actual Dance of Dragons has kicked off.
Wish Martin would get on with releasing "Winds of Winter" though.
Nice work, Ive just bought the Dragonslayer kit by Pegasus models.. I'm going to have some fun painting it...

That is a nice looking Pegasus kit Warren.
I had my eye on it as well, but the problems associated with importing anything whatsoever have increased so much these past three years or so that I've given up trying to order kit figures from European or Stateside dealers.
The option of buying domestic manufactured stuff from the likes of Taobao is not to be considered for very obvious reasons.
That's why I tend to re-use so many of my existing miniatures - and that's not a bad thing as I've noticed that quite a few of them now appear to be out of production.
Looking on the bright side though, I've made a significant hole in the grey army previously hidden away in my stash cupboard.
Brilliant. So much going on it merits several visits.
A tour de force by a modeller with a theatrical imagination

Thanks for that Del. It's highly appreciated.
I did move on to building the next small diorama, (glorified vignette), earlier today. Can't make up my mind whether to make it Roman or Ancient Greek as the scenic items I'm using will work for both. If I go Roman, then I'll have to use pre-painted 54mm First Legion figures as they're all I have available for that time period. On the other hand, I do have several Greek figures that I painted myself way back around 2010.
It's a real pain in the nuts as despite the fact I do have a modest collection of First Legion miniatures I've always been reluctant to post dioramas featuring them here as this is primarily a painting forum.
Hmm...might do the Roman option first, take a few photos...and then swop them out for the Greeks.
I'll see how that one goes. Either way, I ought to be able to post one or both options before I pop the first cold Asahi and settle down to my binge-watch on "House of the Dragon" at the weekend.
Hi H

Catching up a bit ....goodness that's a lot of work and a lot dragons , as Del says you have a very theatrical imagination and it's certainly paid off with this

So much going on brought to life by the fine painting of all the characters

Thanks for sharing

Looking forward to seeing the next

Happy benchtime

Hi H
Catching up a bit ....goodness that's a lot of work and a lot dragons , as Del says you have a very theatrical imagination and it's certainly paid off with this
So much going on brought to life by the fine painting of all the characters
Thanks for sharing
Looking forward to seeing the next
Happy benchtime

Impressive compilation of well painted figures all put together in a very interesting way.

Excellent work

Cheers guys.
I might just add yet another dragon and an additional figure to this scene.
Dunno where I'll squeeze them in though - probably have to take the tree out, but that's okay as I can use it for something else I have in mind.
We . Shall . See
Well, I added another dragon and additional figure to the scene tonight as per my previous post.
It was a pleasant surprise when I found them while snooping around upstairs in our conservatory this morning.
I was under the impression these were included in the handful of dioramas I've been giving to my Son-in-Law. Must be an "Age Thing"...:unsure:...:cool:

Anyhoo, got the new dragon squeezed in and made a milliput rock for the new gal to sit on seeing as I can't find her original base.
I reckon the diorama looks more balanced now when viewed from the front - and I'll finish off a few minor corrections and blend in the landscape a bit better tomorrow morning.
Then dream up suitable BS names for the new characters...:p


PS. I realize that not everyone has the same tastes so for anyone who hasn't seen the HBO show and might well be confused by my comments, then check out this video on YouTube.
It's a long one but well worth the time invested.
Hi H

Finished piece looks very good indeed , dragons particularly impressive

IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY WHY NOT ENTER a piece into the class of your choice in FOTM here: :)(y)




In the forum you can also VOTE in previous comp so please take the time to do so

There is a Vignette & Diorama competition running here:

Thanks for sharing

Always good to see your artwork , look forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Hi H
Finished piece looks very good indeed , dragons particularly impressive
Thanks for sharing
Always good to see your artwork , look forward to seeing more
Happy benchtime

Thanks Nap.
It was a great way of breathing new life into what had become a surplus diorama base.
I'm presently doing much the same with three more old bases and ought to get them finished over the next few days.