Crusader (Pegaso 75mm)


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A Fixture
Staff member
Aug 13, 2009
Taking a break from my "Sherwood" vignette, I finally managed to get this one finished over the weekend after he‘d spent way too long on the Shelf of Shame.

The cape and the surcoat are airbrushed (Vallejo Model Air), the rest is brush-painted with oils over acrylics.

Even though it’s only a simple design, I struggled with the shield. Because it’s such a prominent feature that immediately draws the eye, it took me three attempts before I got to a point where I was happy with it. I’m actually still not 100% happy with it, but I was getting sick of the sight of it on my bench and decided that “it’ll have to do”.

Not seen too many of these painted up before, but it’s a nice figure from the time when Pegaso were at their zenith.

Photos taken on my phone so not the best.

Knight (1).JPGKnight (2).JPGKnight (3).JPGKnight (4).JPGKnight (5).JPG

- Steve
Very convincing work on the various textures and I love the shield (can't seem to be able to spot what is troubling you about it).Overall, a finely painted miniature.

Hi Steve

Great to see what you've been working on, nice result , do like the work on the cloak and clothing ... did you mask the shield off to paint , either way I reckon it looks good

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Thanks for sharing

Look forward to seeing more from you , ENJOY the hobby

Happy benchtime

Great to see what you've been working on, nice result , do like the work on the cloak and clothing ... did you mask the shield off to paint , either way I reckon it looks good

Thanks Kev (and everyone else as well) for the positive and encouraging comments. To answer your question, yes I masked off the cross. No way I can paint lines that long that straight! I can't do freehand symmetry either, so anything like fleur-de-lis heraldry is out unless aided by stencils.

- Steve
Very convincing work on the various textures and I love the shield (can't seem to be able to spot what is troubling you about it).Overall, a finely painted miniature.

Thank you Oda.

In my opinion the shield is this kit's weak point (in terms of the sculpt I mean). There is no wood grain texture on the back, it is completely smooth. So I had to create the illusion of wood grain using paint. That's mainly where I struggled. I got there in the end and it looks OK, but I like to think I'll do it better next time it have to replicate that effect.

The arm straps on the back of the shield are also a bit rubbish, but I was too lazy to remove them, re-smooth the shield and scratch new ones because I just wanted it finished. So I made do with what the sculptor provides. Fortunately you only really notice it if you peer round the back at it.

Also the metal edging of the shield. I tried to dull it down but couldn't get the right level of metallic dullness I was after, so I ended up leaving it as bright metal. I guess we are all our own biggest critics but as said, I'm pretty happy with it overall.

- Steve
Lovely work, the white and grey tones are beautifully handled.

We're rarely 100% happy with our work but this looks pretty good to me!