Napoleonic era minis - good sculpturers, books and source materials


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Active Member
Aug 4, 2019
Hi, I would like to ask on miniatures from Napoleonic era, be it good companies that produce such minis or individual artists, even amateurs or enthusiast websites.

Another field, that interests me is books on such miniatures, preferably published within last 5 years or so, that Id be capable to get without much hustle.

Last, but not least is a point of collecting, sculpting mainly such minis, I would like to know, if fe the artists focused solely on certain period of Napoleonic era, like Danish etc or if its kinda mixture, I think from the point of collecting such miniatures is better to focuse to collect from various brands or artists, but to be focuse on certain period of that era, or am I wrong?

I will be glad if You guys give me bit of guidance and let me know whom is worth to look at or follow, maybe some collectors youtube channel or individual sculpturers.

Thank You and I wish to everyone Happy New Year! This forum is such great and friendly, helpfull, joy to be part of it!
Gosh, the Napoleonic/Revolutionary Wars are a huge subject with many protagonists. I have been collecting books and the odd model or two for many years and I still have not covered the full extent. The conflict in Europe is probably the most popular but it also covered America and India in the earlier years and also at sea. It can seem a trifle overwhelming when starting out. My journey started with Prussia then as I followed that thread you involve Austria, Russia, France, Poland, Confederation of the Rhine and finally to Britain and her Allies.
I would advise a generic primer on the subject, I found "the Napoleonic Source Book" by Phillip Hathornthwaite and "Armies of the Napoleonic Era" by Otto von Pivka to be good generic basic books, possibly a bit dated now too.
There are many fine figures out there in all scales. Sometimes its worth finding a figure you like then use that to focus your research. I did that with Sergeant Masterson of the 87th Regiment (British) and that took me on a fantastic voyage of discovery.
Sorry for my rambling. There are many knowledgeable folks on this site, enjoy the ride :)

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