WIP Quint


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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2015
Reading, UK
Hello all...
Well it feels like years since I posted here when in fact it has been years.
My figure painting mojo is like James Caan in Misery, if it pokes its head out the spare room it gets hobbled and I go back to building tanks, I know, unforgivable.
So, whilst having a rummage in the loft I found this resin bust I bought as Scale Model World a couple of years ago, I have no idea who did the sculpt and can't remember the seller but they had a load of amazing garage kits.
So for this years club display we have to display " Its What I Do", so a couple of the first aircraft I built, a tank, a 24" McVey Frankenstein and Quint.
I bumped into Nap at the Yeovil model show last weekend and he said I should post a WIP, even though I'm a few hours into the paint.
As usual it's all brush painted with Vallejo acrylics, with the help of Citadel Reikland Fleshshade, Schmincke Primacryl white artists acrylic, P3 Rucksack Tan.
The cast is one piece so the undercuts are bloody awful, beautiful but awful, I'll probably need to bend some paint brushes to get into the recesses.
So, painting today and whatever time I have between now and Thursday (leave for Telford), will do some updates as I progress.

Really looks like the fella, I can never remember names, love the eyes and skin tones, so much better than tanks!

Cheers Simon
Hi Mick

Good to catch up @ Yeovil , hope we see you at Bugle Call on 1/12....be a great end to the year

Glad you decided to share this , great subject , as you said undercuts are ....well ......a little awkward ....your handling them well

Good start on the flesh work and the progress really comes out in the second pics .....and not a airbrush in sight

The eyes are excellent ....and not transferred!

Nice colour on the shirt as well

Looking forward to seeing more when possible

Enjoy the benchtime and Telford


...portrayed by Robert Shaw
Nice work so far. The bust is produced by Dave Nicholson of KillerKits/Creature Features and is sculpted by the talented Andrew Copeland. They also do Brody and Hooper as well as a large scale Shark.
Nice work so far. The bust is produced by Dave Nicholson of KillerKits/Creature Features and is sculpted by the talented Andrew Copeland. They also do Brody and Hooper as well as a large scale Shark.

Thank you very much for the info, I cant remember when I bought the bust, was at SMW 2017 or 18 (19 is also a possibility) spotted as Quint from halfway across the hall, I bought the big Kurgan bust, Deadpool and Rumpo Kid figures off Dave as well, they're hiding in the loft somewhere
Thank you very much for the info, I cant remember when I bought the bust, was at SMW 2017 or 18 (19 is also a possibility) spotted as Quint from halfway across the hall, I bought the big Kurgan bust, Deadpool and Rumpo Kid figures off Dave as well, they're hiding in the loft somewhere

Look forward to seeing more Mick

We all have “loft insulation” ...lol ....sure you added more from this years shows !

Have fun @ the bench


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