Completed ODIN


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I'm making a bit of progress on Odin by laying the base of the beard and fur. For this I'm using 3 colours mainly, Agate 986 (PA), Ivory 918 (PA) and Bering Blue (SC). To finish I'm applying a very diluted black juice (almost coloured water) to the edges.

Sorry, the photo is slightly blurry.


I continue by placing lights on the beard and fur, by adding white 951 (PA) to Ivory 918 (PA). On the edges to give relief, I accentuate the work with Bering Blue (SC). I outline the different elements with black 950 (PA) as well as some separations in the beard and fur. I use a Silver series brush size 0 from Green Stuf World (GSW).
The jewel in the beard is treated with Elven Gold SC 74 (SC) for the lights on a base of Bronze 998 (PA). For the shadows, I add a touch of Intensity Ink Sepia Vetus (GSW) to the Elven Gold. The pearl in the center of the jewel is made with a touch of pure Chrome 71064 Model Air Vallejo.
On the belt I apply a 997 Silver (PA) juice on the highlights of the patterns to tone down the yellow a little which seems a little too pronounced to me. Once the paint is dry, I apply a coat of Maxx Mat (GSW) ultra matt varnish which is excellent.


The varnish allows to see a noticeable difference between the belt and the jewel of the beard much brighter.

To be continued....
Painting the cloak begins with a mixture of English Uniform 921 (PA), Olive Drab 889 (PA) and Burnt Umber 941 (PA).
I also accentuate the definition of the beard and the fur, but it seems a little too dark to me, it will be necessary to lighten more....
I also add a pass in the hollows of the belt of Intensity Ink Walnut Brown (GSW) with a little water to keep a matte side.


For the coat, I do many passes of different colors and inks? It is difficult to remember exactly the shades used because on the wet palette the mixtures are really numerous, but I used: the base colors, Golden Brown 877 (PA), Intense Orange 851 (PA), Yellow Ochre 913 (PA), Dark Blue 930 (PA) and transparent green and blue Army Painter Quickshade Washe inks.

For the coat edging, the center is painted with a Cadmium Red Light 910 (PA) and the patterns with a mix of Matte Yellow 953 (PA) and Elven Gold SC 74 (SC).
Then, using Intensity Ink Walnut Brown (GSW) mixed with Olive Drab 889 (PA), all diluted, I make two passes on the lower and shaded parts. This will give a play of colors and mattify the metallic paint present in the base mixture.
The beard and the fur are lightened again using White 951 (PA) diluted with Acrylic Thinner (GSW) which allows to obtain a transparent white without the pigments separating.
The stick receives a base paint to obtain a fully colored whole and give me a better idea of what to improve.


To be continued...
I continue the progress of the painting by mixing the following shades to varying degrees.
Skin: Iraqi Sand 819 (PA), Red Beige 804 (PA), Basic Flesh 815 (PA), Matte Earth 983 (PA).
Gloves: Olive Drab 889 (PA), Khaki Brown 988 (PA), Beige 917 (PA), English Uniform 921 (PA).
The blue shirt: Medium Blue 963 PA), Pale Blue 906 (PA), Agate 986 (PA), Black 950 (PA), White 951 (PA).
Bracelets: same as belt.
Staff: Earth 873 (PA), Agate 986 (PA), Khaki Brown 988 (PA), Yellow Ochre 913 (PA).


To be continued...
A very thorough description of how you achieved those great results, he really is coming to life.

Cheers Simon
Now it's time to position the two ravens on Odin's shoulders to check that everything works well. Before that, I lighten the feathers most exposed to light by making two mixtures. The first one is Black 951 (PA), Violet 960 (PA) and a touch of Red 926 (PA). The second one by adding to this first mixture, a little Intensity Ink OSL White (GSW).
Once the paint is dry, I add a little OSL White to my color, to further lighten a small area of the feathers, which allows me to create an additional transition.


A closer look.....


To be continued...
I like the ravens, so I take a series of photos of Odin from all angles before placing him on his base, in case there are any minor things that need to be corrected....


I see some small dirt on the coat that I will have to correct before the final installation on the base with the background.....

To be continued...
This is a masterclass, magnificent work.
Gets better and better with each update.

He looks magnificent as befits the All Father, a wonderful job you have done and that background will really set it apart.

Cheers Simon
For the final photos, I proceed as follows. The bust is placed on a wooden support with a sheet of black Canson paper on the back. The bust is protected from direct daylight located on the right (French window) and without any electric light. Basically, the room is completely in the shade.
I place the photo tripod about forty centimeters from the subject. I use an APS-C with a fixed 35mm lens. The flash is disconnected, the self-timer is set to 2 seconds. This precaution allows me to press the shutter release and the shot is only triggered 2 seconds later, which avoids any motion blur, even on a tripod. The settings are ISO 100, F22 and exposure time 20 seconds.


Slightly larger views without the base....


Here is the step by step finished. The experience is pleasant and I will probably start again in a more precise way a next step by step with the following bust.
Hi Bran

That’s just a awesome SBS and a wonderful result on the Completed piece

Bookmarking this for sure .....great to read through and just admire the skill

Thanks for sharing

Looking forward to seeing more from your bench

Have fun


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