PlanetFigure Supporter
Hi Figureteers!
My main World Expo contribution became completed yesterday.
Heres the pictures for you that wont be there and a teaser for those of you who will.
Its a shadowbox with the theme from WWII, Arnhem and the breakout attempt of Major Digby Tatah-Warter of the British Airborne(aka Red Devils). Although some artistic license has been taken.
Figures are from the Cromwell set but heavily reworked and detailed using head and hands from other makers. The rest is more or less scratchbuilt.
Hope to see a lot of you in boston.
The first three shots are showing the scene without its final lighting.
The next two ones are with the lights provided in the box.
And finally heres the box with its frame and title:
"Symphaty for the Devils.."
Sorry for the bad picture but it was hard to shoot cause the reflexes.
My main World Expo contribution became completed yesterday.

Heres the pictures for you that wont be there and a teaser for those of you who will.
Its a shadowbox with the theme from WWII, Arnhem and the breakout attempt of Major Digby Tatah-Warter of the British Airborne(aka Red Devils). Although some artistic license has been taken.
Figures are from the Cromwell set but heavily reworked and detailed using head and hands from other makers. The rest is more or less scratchbuilt.
Hope to see a lot of you in boston.
The first three shots are showing the scene without its final lighting.
The next two ones are with the lights provided in the box.
And finally heres the box with its frame and title:
"Symphaty for the Devils.."
Sorry for the bad picture but it was hard to shoot cause the reflexes.