Hi Guys ,
On this little planet of our its always good to see an idea from the concept to the finished project and that is exactly what we have here so following on from the initial sculpting work by Markus at Scorpio models to the final release of a Bavarian Artillery Captain
Title: Bavarian Captain, Light (Horse) Artillery, 1805-1812
Scale: 1:16th
Material: White Metal
I decided to spend my hard earned euro's and purchased one from Scorpio for review purposes , ordering was easy via the website with the postman delivering the model only 6 days after I had ordered it (2 of those were a weekend ...good customer service there .
It arrived all packed up in a strong cardboard box packed securely between 2 pieces of foam
.......on opening the box I thought I was having a flashback to my long forgotten youth ..it was white metal ...a somewhat rarity in my gray army and generally in todays market (I contacted Markus regarding thsi receiving a prompt reply stating that he had all the required equiptment to cast in WM and found it easier than resin and was pleased with the results he was getting )
...well lets see shall we .
The model itself consist of 11 parts (all WM) these being torso, head , helmet , right and left arm, right hand with sabre , 2 x shoulder scales/epaulettes , plume, belt pouch and finally a base , also included is a small list of parts together with a colour guide , on the box is a painted version of the model
Continued in next post:
PS The history lesson will be at the end this time ..bit of a fresh approach for me as a reviwer and also for you dear reader .
On this little planet of our its always good to see an idea from the concept to the finished project and that is exactly what we have here so following on from the initial sculpting work by Markus at Scorpio models to the final release of a Bavarian Artillery Captain
Title: Bavarian Captain, Light (Horse) Artillery, 1805-1812
Scale: 1:16th
Material: White Metal
I decided to spend my hard earned euro's and purchased one from Scorpio for review purposes , ordering was easy via the website with the postman delivering the model only 6 days after I had ordered it (2 of those were a weekend ...good customer service there .
It arrived all packed up in a strong cardboard box packed securely between 2 pieces of foam
.......on opening the box I thought I was having a flashback to my long forgotten youth ..it was white metal ...a somewhat rarity in my gray army and generally in todays market (I contacted Markus regarding thsi receiving a prompt reply stating that he had all the required equiptment to cast in WM and found it easier than resin and was pleased with the results he was getting )
...well lets see shall we .
The model itself consist of 11 parts (all WM) these being torso, head , helmet , right and left arm, right hand with sabre , 2 x shoulder scales/epaulettes , plume, belt pouch and finally a base , also included is a small list of parts together with a colour guide , on the box is a painted version of the model
Continued in next post:
PS The history lesson will be at the end this time ..bit of a fresh approach for me as a reviwer and also for you dear reader .