Hi to all ,
We all are probably aware of the demise of TB forum at the end of Sept ..a real shame IMO but as they say therer is "light at the end of the tunnel" and like a phoenix rising from the ashes its my great pleasure to learn that the figure range and indeed Figureworld will continue .
My review is of a bust that has bee released for a while (here is the link to the original post:
and indeed we have had the pleasure to have posted a version painted by the talented izauggu on PF here is that link :
What have we then :
Subject: War of the Roses Billman
Scale: 1/10th
Material : Resin
No of pieces: 2
Sculptor: Rob Lane
Box Art: Adrian Hopwood
The model was received quickly and is well packed with the pieces being in a clear resealeable bag put in a blister pack together with coloured pictures of the box art showing back and front views ...perhaps the pictures are a little dark but the is my own personal opinion .
Continued in next post:
We all are probably aware of the demise of TB forum at the end of Sept ..a real shame IMO but as they say therer is "light at the end of the tunnel" and like a phoenix rising from the ashes its my great pleasure to learn that the figure range and indeed Figureworld will continue .
My review is of a bust that has bee released for a while (here is the link to the original post:
and indeed we have had the pleasure to have posted a version painted by the talented izauggu on PF here is that link :
What have we then :
Subject: War of the Roses Billman
Scale: 1/10th
Material : Resin
No of pieces: 2
Sculptor: Rob Lane
Box Art: Adrian Hopwood
The model was received quickly and is well packed with the pieces being in a clear resealeable bag put in a blister pack together with coloured pictures of the box art showing back and front views ...perhaps the pictures are a little dark but the is my own personal opinion .
Continued in next post: