Well-Known Member
Hi All, I am attaching some pictures of this work on progress, It is almost finished I just need to polish some details on the boots and the helmet, hope you like it

Very nice Juan thanks for sharing
The shield is a cool touch!
By the way, how is the figure scene in Mexico?
Hi Ian, thank you for your comments and I fell very happy to hear you like itMate Yeah a dwarf - love all the details and 'your' interpretation of a dwarf warrior
The shield design seem a bit ' fuzzy' but as you said work in progress
also balance on hold of axe seems a little low - maybe have the axe slightly lower in the hand
I hope you see this as suggestions only
Great Advise Ian, i will tray that on the shield, on the axe yep it will need some cuting and redoing but it will look a lot better after wardsJuan - some fine sandpaper or evebn steel wool and then recarve any sharp lines will help the Shield design as the Shield is great - so is the axe itself but holding it straight like that in a 'relaxed' pose his arm would ache or be uncomfortable at most
Always lovely to see you are enjoying doing these
well I am posting a new female figure, she is a little bit better but hope that is does not look like a gnome any moreJuan - my female actually look like deformed Gnomes as well
Juan - my female actually look like deformed Gnomes as well
Yesfantastic - yes love the slight changes - wait to see some paint on him
The honor will be all mine Ian, as soon i have some copys i will let you know,Mate I would be honoured to paint him
I would love a copy too!The honor will be all mine Ian, as soon i have some copys i will let you know,
Hi Captenglish will advise on here when i have copies, please send me a private message after that.I would love a copy too!