W W I British RFC Squadron Leader - 1/32 (54mm) - Model Cellar


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A Fixture
Jun 3, 2005
Horsham, PA
The Model Cellar would like to announce our first new releases for 2017. The first is a WWI British RFC Squadron Leader searching the skies. Is he waiting and searching for the first glimpse of the returning Squadron? ...or is he seeing them off on what could be their last mission? - you decide. Sculpted by Mike Good, the figure is finely detailed as usual.

Kit particulars:
WWI British RFC Squadron Leader
item no: MC32023
sculpted by: Mike Good
Box art by: Tim Farrell
scale: 1/32 (54mm)
resin cast
retail price $22.50

32026-1 (3).jpg 32026-3 (3).jpg 32026-4 (3).jpg

Hope you like it,
Very nice figure but I am not sure about the title - 'RFC 'Squadron Leader' ? (1) Squadron Leader was a rank when the RAF formed in 1918 from the RFC and RNAS merging so it was never an RFC rank and (2) I don't think a Sergeant (see left arm) would command an entire squadron!!

MC do great figs (I have just about all of them in their pilot 1/32 range) but they really should get the title right in order to do the contents of the box justice.

Very nice figure but I am not sure about the title - 'RFC 'Squadron Leader' ? (1) Squadron Leader was a rank when the RAF formed in 1918 from the RFC and RNAS merging so it was never an RFC rank and (2) I don't think a Sergeant (see left arm) would command an entire squadron!!

MC do great figs (I have just about all of them in their pilot 1/32 range) but they really should get the title right in order to do the contents of the box justice.


...ok then... from this day forward he shall be called: "RFC guy looking up towards the sky" =))).
...ok then... from this day forward he shall be called: "RFC guy looking up towards the sky" =))).

It's your product mate so call it what you like; I was only trying to be helpful in case you haven't had the boxes printed up yet. If you have then as you say, just make-up some stickers saying "RFC guy looking up towards the sky" and attach that.

I am aware of how good this range is and as I said, I have just about all of them in 1/32 and have just ordered the new 2 seater RFC crew only yesterday from SK Miniatures. I know however from personal experience and (ironically) praising your range to those I speak with in the hobby who build WNW and Roden 1/32 WW1 models (but unlike me don't also paint figures as a matter of course) that many of them like to pose 1/32 figures besides their plastic models but are not that familiar with your range; especially here in the UK anyway. As such, they may well ask if they casually came across them at shows etc . that if you can't even get the product title/historical facts on the box title right, how accurate is what's in the box?......and then simply pass them by without even looking at what's inside.

They would be missing a trick thinking like that but it's not much consolation if it loses you sales is it?

Sorry I bothered!

I'm sure Redcaps response was well meaning (and correct) and clearly the title was misleading. I'm not sure that the sarcastic response was warranted and did justice to the Model Cellar Range.
Perhaps an apology is in order?

As the responsible party for this figure, I intended him to be a "ranking" maintenance crewmen. Obviously, I did not make my intentions clear to Paul.

My intention was for him to go along with the two pilots also issued at the same time. They would all be looking up at a flight crew figure in the plane (any of a number of Wingnut Wings kits!). That figure will be a future project....

Sorry for the mixup.

Thanks for explaining Mike-I know Redcap is very disappointed with Paul's response, particularly as he is a Wingnuts devotee who has promoted the Model Cellar figures to a number of fellow aircraft modellers who hitherto were unaware of the range.

Sorry if I put you off. It was somewhat of a joke, but yet at the same time half way serious too. After all, at this point then, he is just an RFC guy looking up? so, not sue what else to call him?? Maybe as Mike suggested I'll call him RFC Maintenance Sergeant

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