So I paid a visit to a artists store today, and got a few oil paints.
I guess I didn't take proper note of the right colors I needed, and there was some confusion...
Anyway, from "Rive Gauche" I got 4: Titanium White, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna and Naples Yellow. All these are, as marked on the tubes are opaque, none is transparent!
Then, as apparently "Rive Gauche" doesn't have Lamp Black (which I believe I've read here somewhere would be an important color for a start), I got from from "Van Gogh" Lamp Black. This one is semi-transparent, I think (or semi-opaque?...) .
Apparently "Rive Gauche" doesn't have the King's Blue Light (also mentioned somewhere here), so for now I got no blue at all.
Silly me I didn't brought the list I posted above (those oils you suggested), so I'm still missing most of them:
- Cadmium Red ("Rive Gauche" has this Cadmium Red, I just missed it because I didn't bring the damn list with me

- Alizarin Crimson (they also have this one!

- Ultramarine Blue ("Rive Gauche" has a "French Ultramarine Blue", is it the same?)
- Cadmium Yellow (as for this one they even have a "light" one and a "darker" one!...

As for the Black I got, is Lamp Black the same as Ivory Black (just different names from different branches?), or are they significantly different?
As for the "Transparent Brown" and "Transparent Yellow", they don't have those with such exact denomination, so can it be any yellow and any brown that are transparent (listed as such on the tubes) ?
Don’t sweat the thinners..brush on"
Not sure what you mean by that, but I suppose you mean that I apply "too much" thinner on my oils?...
I know, according to Ron ("kagemusha") that he brushes most of his subjects just "out of the tube", as he mentions on some posts, but for my own defense I must say that these couple of old (and they really are old, a few decades old!) oil paints I've used before, Burnt Sienna and Raw Umber, especially the Burnt Sienna, are quite dry inside the tubes! I've been using them recently because these were the only ones available, and I've often used them for imitating leather, as in this case with the seats of a 1/24 1931 R-R I'm finishing building...
Guess that won't be necessary with new oils, of course. But I still got a thinner from the store, "Green for Oil" from Sennelier
And a couple of new brushes, apparently recommended for oil paints... Will see...
Now I'll have to put my hands on a nice bust and see what I'm capable of doing...