WIP Sgt. Major C.A. Burt, Irish Guards 1902


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Geoff Charman

A Fixture
Oct 29, 2016
Seaton, East Devon
This is the fifth and last of the Mick's Mick's "V" busts Mick produced that I have recently posted.

The tall bust, due to the bearskin, compared to the other four, but again very nicely produced.

P1130670 (2).JPG

I started by painting the lower part of the bearskin as I didn't want to get any black/grey/brown paint on the skin colour while painting the inner part of the bearskin.
Then I painted the black backing to the chin strap before using Artist's oils for the face.

P1130802 (2).JPG P1130800 (2).JPG P1130801 (2).JPG

Pre-shading now on the uniform before starting to carefully block in the main colours.

Hi Geoff

Following this as akways ...nice start on the face

Great pics from Mick as well ....like that cap on the 2nd one and an extra medal ......can't quite make it out....possibly coronation ?

Thanks for sharing

Hi Geoff

Following this as akways ...nice start on the face

Great pics from Mick as well ....like that cap on the 2nd one and an extra medal ......can't quite make it out....possibly coronation ?

Thanks for sharing


Hi Kev.
Yes its the Coronation., I did not put it on the Bust as the Colours were presented in the May and the Coronation was postponed until the October due to illness.
Hi Geoff / Kev.
Burts Medals.

Charles was born in 1871 in Kew, Surrey [Birth Cert regn. #1871, Jun Q, Richmond, S., 2a 304]. He was the son of Charles Henry BURT & Mary Ann ALDRIDGE. His father was a Carpenter.
On the 13th August 1888 Charles joined the Scots Guards at London. His attestation record's his occupation as Gardener. [Copies of his attestation papers are filed under British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920 held by The National Archives, Kew.]
Appointed Lance-Corporal 1891. Corporal 1893.
In December 1895 he was one of 18 men of the 1st Battalion Scots Guards to be selected to go on the Ashanti Expedition. The Graphic (7 Dec. 1895) published a picture on its front page captioned :
"The detachment of the 1st Battalion Scots Guards who volunteered for service in Ashanti consists of Sergeant Arkinstall, Corporal Burt and fifteen privates and is under the command of Captain I.G. Drummond. Before embarking they were inspected by Queen Victoria at Windsor Castle." He was awarded the Ashanti Star. [Medal roll Burt 8063]

25 May 1896 during a display at the Military Tournament he was injured when a blank cartridge struck him in the left eye. A court of enquiry found that he was not to blame and that the injury would not affect his sight. Promoted Sergeant June 1896. Colour Sergeant April 1898.

The Irish Guards were formed 1st April 1900 and Burt transferred to the regiment and appointed its first Sergeant-Major. [The picture of him in an Irish Guards RSM uniform dates to about 1901.] He served in South Africa and was awarded the Queen's South Africa Medal with five clasps (copy roll included). He was awarded the 1902 Coronation Medal (copy medal roll confirms: 1st Irish Guards, Sgt.Maj. C.A. Burt) and the Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal in 1906.

12 January 1905 he was posted to the 26th Middlesex Volunteer Rifle Corps as Sergeant-Instructor and in 1908 to the 25th (County of London) Cyclists as Color-Sergeant-Instrctor. In September 1909 he was appointed Acting Sergeant-Major of the same regiment. He was awarded the 1911 Coronation Medal (copy roll included: 350 Sgt:Maj: Burt, C.A., 25th London Regt). He was discharged in London, 27 January 1916: "He served in an expemplary manner as a NCO & Warrant Officer from 1891 onwards. Was Sergt. Major to the 1st Battn Irish Guards on its formation & afterwards. Sergt. Major to the 25th County of London Battn. Is in possession of the merdal for long service & good conduct. Has now been appointed Qr.Mr. to the 25th County of London Regt."

He was given a Territorial Commission as Hon. Lieutenant & Quartermaster in the 25th Londons, 28 January 1916 and embarked at Devonport 4 February 1917. Arrived in Bombay 26 February 1916 and was posted to the Waziristan Field Force "Summer Campaign" 26 May 1917 to 16 August 1917. He was awarded the British War and Victory Medals. His Medal Index Card has note on back: "Dept. of The King's Body Guard of the Yeoman of the Guards submits Medal Roll." Appointed Captain & QM, 1 May 1919 and served in Afghanistan 1919, receiving the medal.

He resigned his commission 12 May 1920. In tEmbarked at Bombay 15 November 1919 and retrned to England. He resigned his commission 12 May 1920. In the same year he joined The King's Body Guard of the Yeoman of the Guards.
He was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal 2 October 1946, as 350 W.O.Cl.II, Irish Guards (copy medal card included).

The Yeoman of the Guard rolls show Charles from 1921 to 1949 when it records his death. [http://yeomenoftheguard.com/roll.htm]
He married Clara Rallings (Rawlings) in 1903. [Marriage registration - 1903, Dec Q, Epsom District, 2a 55]. Clara was a servant in Charles parent's household at Kew [1901 census], no doubt how they met. Clara was born in Royston, Hertfordshire in 1873. She was the daughter of Alfred Rallings, a wheelwright, and Rebecca (nee Cane), of Royston, Herts. He died 11 December 1949 at the West Middlesex Hospital, Isleworth, leaving a widow, Clara Burt.

Cheers Mick

Thought so will look a piccy up and probably add ..tempted to do that forage cap

Have a great time at Euro going to miss not being there


I did wonder when I saw the cap whether you might try it, there would be quite a bit of work on the top of the head as the bearskin does cover a lot of it, but a young chappie like you could manage it i'm sure.

That's it, I have completed the fun of these five busts from Mick's Mick's. I just have to make some shortened bases that I usually mount my busts on due to the length of these longer busts, which is no problem.

P1130823 (2).JPG P1130824 (2).JPG P1130825 (2).JPG P1130822 (2).JPG

and here are all five busts together.

P1130829 (2).JPG

Many thanks for all the comments and likes and to Mick's Mick's for his super products.

Hi Geoff.
Absolutely beautiful Geoff. I think you have saved the best to last but only by a whisker.

Its nice to see all five together, other than in my own cabinet.

Thanks for doing them justice.
Hi Geoff

WOW !!!! What a resuit every inch a guardsman .....can't change the headdress on mine ...there a blooming chain on the chin!!....but might have an idea !!

They look really good all together

Thanks for sharing

Hi Geoff.
Absolutely beautiful Geoff. I think you have saved the best to last but only by a whisker.

Its nice to see all five together, other than in my own cabinet.

Thanks for doing them justice.

Thank you Mick, I am really so pleased these have turned out so well. I was thinking of fixing them onto one board after adding bases, so they can be exhibited at the couple of shows I do a year to keep them together.
