Recent content by arxo


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  1. arxo

    St. George, Michael Kontraros Collectibles (oils)

    You are all so kind. Thank you.
  2. arxo

    St. George, Michael Kontraros Collectibles (oils)

    Thank you all so much!
  3. arxo

    St. George, Michael Kontraros Collectibles (oils)

    Thank you very much!
  4. arxo

    Macedonian officer (Parmenion)

    Great start indeed. Very glad you came to our show and hope you had a great time. See you next year with more figures. Let's set the bar to 10; ;)
  5. arxo

    St. George, Michael Kontraros Collectibles (oils)

    This was my entry (and long overdue) in Athens Miniature Show 2017. It is painted in oils and is a figure from Michael Kontraros Collectibles. Photos, courtesy of Marios Vrachiolidis, a fellow member of Star Club Athens. If anyone feels like it, please visit and vote...
  6. arxo

    Completed Critique Medusa

    Very original idea. Really suits her. Well done!
  7. arxo

    Completed Marilyn

    Excellent bust and a truly great painting. Would love it of you could share some WIP photos/flesh palletes etc. Thanks!
  8. arxo

    16th Athens Show 2015

    Another excellent year with great works from a small but thriving community of talented and dedicated people. More next year!
  9. arxo

    Decembers Release at EUROMILITAIRE

    Another popular fantasy theme visualized with your unique skills. Excellent and original sculpt with top level painting. Good luck.
  10. arxo

    Beauty and the Beast_new indiegogo campaign

    Good luck in yet another excellent and original piece...Fantastic scene and praise to the painting skills of Kyriakos' also.
  11. arxo

    WIP Critique Julius Caesar Bust

    Very fine art-sy! Like a painting in a gallery, really...Bravo!
  12. arxo

    Completed European knight XIV ct

    Excellent painting for a fine figure. (y)
  13. arxo

    Nutsplanet`s new release, SALADIN of July

    Awesome display of skill!
  14. arxo

    Nutsplanet`s new release of July!!
