Lovely paintwork (I've seen this also on Fb), I'm intrigued by the circular khaki pouch on the rear of his belt - any suggestions as to what it could be?
Would anyone be able to suggest a Vallejo acrylic mix for the Lovat Green No.2 dress uniforms as worn by the Royal Marines & Womens’ Royal Army Corps during the 1970s/1980s?
I have a commission figure to paint of a WRAC Provost NCO, & am leaning towards a German Field Grey/German Camo Beige...
Nice figure & great rendition of the USMC camo scheme, Nick - I never knew the Marines used the Boys A/T rifle.
I can remember my Dad telling me from his WW2 infantry training that it was the weapon that scared him the most - the recoil from it could break your shoulder, & even firing a few...
Fantastic work, Steve. I've been to the Hartenstein Hotel twice, it's an outstanding museum & I can only imagine what it was like to be in the trenches in the grounds.
Another well-imagined instant vignette, Darren. Just ordered the Manchester at ease figure & the MG08, thought that might make a nice standalone figure with a prop.