All chidren,except one,grow up....
Based on the character of J.M.Barry's
most famous novel ''PETER PAN"
size:38mm(1/32)in white metal
Sculpture:Eduard Perez Delgado
Painting:Alexandre Cortina Bonastre
Dimitri (Bon Jovi)!!!
Dear friend your painting and your imagination on the groundwork is growing up.I like the arrows and all the figure!!!
Costas I do not believe it we spoke just yesterday and.............I am speechless.Very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OLO MESA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy new year!!!Christos
''...and the devil knew where it was,and the longest liver shall take it.
Edward (Drummond) Teach ''Blackbeard""
Sculptor Eduard Perez Delgado
Painter Alexandre Cortina Bonastre
Dear friends I am happy to inform you about the new 75mm from Alexandros models.Is the Jean-Armand du Peyer,Comte de Treville,capitaine des
Mousquetaires du Roi.1598-1672