Jean-Armand du Peyer - 75mm Alexandros Models Review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Alexandros Models
"Jean-Armand du Peyer, Musketer du Roi 1598-1672
75mm White metal
17 white metal parts
Sculpted by Eduard Perez Delgado
Painted by Alexandre Cortina Bonastre

du Peyer 01.jpg

I received this kit in the mail today and was amazed after opening the box. Packaged in a sturdy white cardboard box with a sleeve around the box with a color guide on the front this 17 part white metal kit was sandwiched between layers of foam. All the small parts were sealed in a separate clear plastic bag.

du Peyer 02.JPG

du Peyer 03.JPG

The top photograph shows the packaging as well as the sleeve. The bottom photograph has all the parts out of the box and baggie ready for inspection. The kit is comprised of 17 white metal parts.

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du Peyer 06.JPG du Peyer 07.JPG

Above is the separately cast head with the detailed lace collar at the bottom. The hat is a separate cast item shown later.

du Peyer 08.JPG du Peyer 09.JPG

Above is the separately cast hat which dry-fitted perfectly onto the head.

du Peyer 10.JPG du Peyer 11.JPG

Above is the separately cast feathers that make up the hat plume decoration.

du Peyer 12.JPG du Peyer 13.JPG

du Peyer 14.JPG du Peyer 15.JPG

Above are the four views of the upper chest section of the torso showing the fine detail of the folds and belts. The triangular hole on the back is for the proper placement of the cape.

[ continued in next posting ]

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du Peyer 18.JPG du Peyer 19.JPG

Above is the lower leg section of the torso again showing the attention to detail Eduard has sculpted into this figure. There are seam lines but are extremely hard to see in the photograph.

du Peyer 20.JPG du Peyer 21.JPG

Above are the separate cast right and left arm. Each arm dry-fitted to the upper torso perfectly.

du Peyer 22.JPG du Peyer 23.JPG

du Peyer 24.JPG du Peyer 25.JPG

du Peyer 26.JPG

Above are the four views of the engraved relief cape with the bottom photograph enlarged so you can see the design Eduard has sculpted in relief.

du Peyer 27.JPG

du Peyer 28.JPG

Above is the right hand and sword as well as the scabbard on the top.

[ continued in next posting ]

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du Peyer 30.JPG

du Peyer 31.JPG

Above are pictured some of the small parts such as spurs, hand guard for sword, etc that came in the sealed bag of the kit.

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du Peyer 33.JPG

du Peyer 34.JPG

du Peyer 35.JPG

Above are several views of the white matel base with locator slots for the feet.

Additional Box Art Photographs
Painted by
Alexander Cortina Bonastre

du Peyer 36.jpg

du Peyer 37.jpg

du Peyer 38.jpg

du Peyer 39.jpg

du Peyer 40.jpg

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Close-ups of the Box Art

du Peyer 41.jpg

du Peyer 42.jpg

du Peyer 43.jpg

du Peyer 44.jpg

du Peyer 45.jpg

du Peyer 46.jpg

One of the best, if not the best sculpted figure I have seen for this period. Sure to be a classic and seen many times on the show tables around the world. All dry-fitting was snug and fitment of parts was excellent. Highly recommended.

Alexandros Models Web-site
click here

R300 - Review Number 300
Hello Guy

This is a fantastic figure with very beautiful details ,the cape´s design is amazing
Great review my friend

Warm regards

Guy , very nice review, looking foward to mine dropping through the letter box in the next couple of days
and it is. It arrived today, what a lovely piece and the casting is pretty good too, its smaller than Pegaso 75mm figures, but lovely all the same.

Am I going blind or…

Hi Guy and thanks for your review on what seems to be a fantastic figure, beeing a flat painter myself, its been a long time since I put my brush on a round figure, but still I can see when a real beauty appears. :) And this one shurely caught my eye. A GREAT ONE
I have a problem though, with many new figures, theres a tendency to make sharp folds and crease in all their clothes, not considering what material they are supposing to show, this figure however are just right in these areas, soft and flowing lines, Am I the only one noticing this? Or is it just the personal style of the sculptor? Seeing actual clothes, from differnt periods, and how they appear, SHOULD be a MUST for any serious Scuptor :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Kindest regards

Kjeld Buchholtz
Fantastic sculpt, for sure a joy to paint for those who collect the scale.

Alas, historically not quite consistent if the life data given are correct. The figure's face clearly depicts an elderly man (for the time) of around, say, 50 years or so. So the costume should be of around 1650, but the clothing style is of a much earlier period, around 1600-1620. We should not assume that costume style did not change over a period of 30 years, it clearly did, and well, we may assume that a captain of the king's mousquetaires was dressed according to the latest fashion. You wouldn't take an officer from the AWI period and call him an officer of the 1812 war, or would you?

Nitpicking aside, this is still a fantastic figurine, so I would go for it but not name it "Jean-Armand du Peyer".

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