really nice painting chris, really like the cords
Nice Chris..good work again.
sorry to say this mate, but unfortunately the uniform jacket should be much more pink,
You could make it much paler the jacket colour is called rose pink .
Hi Chris
Apologies thought I had replied are getting there ...learning with every brush stroke and figure , with Acrylics thinning the paint is the key .
To perhaps help with blending why not add a tiny bit of drying retarder , I use W&N blending medium ...will give you a longer time to work with .
You might also wish to consider looking at the many paint sets available which has the graduations of colours, highs, shadows etc ..Andrea , Vallejo and Scale 75 all do various sets.
The main thing is that you are obviously enjoying g the hobby and bench time
Vallejo makes what is called "Glaze Medium".......You can mix up to 50% with the paint but you don't need that much.Absolute life saver when it comes to acrylics.(at least for me anyway)......
Nice steady progress.
With regard to the face, a very thin dark line along eyelid would reduce the wide eyed stare.
Mark Benette's 'Eye Tutorial' (in the Articles section) is a very useful guide.
It is mainly targeted at larger busts but, with some reduction of detail, is very useful for 120mm figures.