A note on the ribbons. The MOH ribbon ( with stars ) would not have anything before it. Note that the top two rows are only of two ribbons each, the rest three except for the bottom 2 rows which have 4 ( 2 unit citations and 2 ribbons on last row)
The painting by Beadle only depicts the Right hand platoon of a company sized rearguard, with more Rfn seen on the other side. plenty of scope for more figures and once they are released individually I'll be picking up a few more!!!
The Rearguard
J P Beadle’s famous painting, ‘The...
Bob whats your mix for the red and the pouches? Im doing a Zulu war figure at the moment and would give your mix a try. Ive also got this one coming in the mail.....
Zane just had a look through my extensive 95th stash, I thought I had two of these (its unusual that I havent). If you can't get one there is always the Scorpio models 3 figure 95th set, in 75mm. You might need to contact them to see if it is still available...