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  1. Alex M.

    Wanting to Buy Lf: Authorsculpt Stalker

    Hello Planeteers! I've been reading Metro 2033, and now I HAVE to paint a STALKER figure. I know Evolution does a couple, but I'm really looking for the one Authorsculpt released a few years back...Anyone have one hidden away in the grey army? Thanks in advance!! Alex
  2. Alex M.

    Acrylics Mongolian Skintone Recommendations

    There's a foot Mongol as well, that's what I thought you mentioned. Are we talking about the same book - the Advanced Figure Modelling from Persicopio? With the 90mm SS guy with the Shepherd?
  3. Alex M.

    Acrylics Mongolian Skintone Recommendations

    I'm usually painting with beige red as the base, up through basic skintone, and down through burnt cadmium red. I was reading the article Colin pointed out in the book, and he just uses Flat Flesh as the base, and more brown, less red for the shadows.
  4. Alex M.

    Acrylics Mongolian Skintone Recommendations

    Thanks guys, this is all very helpful! I've exclusively painted caucasian lads to date, and have a tried and true flesh mix, so I'm trying to figure out how to alter it gently, to add that slightly Asiatic tan to it, and to, exactly as you've mentioned, make it more weather beaten, but I'd like...
  5. Alex M.

    Acrylics Mongolian Skintone Recommendations

    Hello! I'm getting ready to paint a Mongol, and I was wondering if anyone can suggest some colours to work with, preferably Vallejo! thank in advance! Alex
  6. Alex M.

    Orcs, Bomber Pilots And Airfield Crew, 30mm

    Are these going to be available through Kromlech like the previous ones?
  7. Alex M.

    WIP Brits,afghanistan 1/35

    A little thread-necromancy, but any updates on these bad boys?
  8. Alex M.

    WIP Critique 200mm Marine Afghanistan Update

    My references aren't too up to date on the MTP uniforms, are they still wearing the Osprey? I have the Black Dog WMIK crew, I was doing to do the older desert pattern on them, but I'm keen to give this a whirl..I just don't know if their kit is appropriate
  9. Alex M.

    Mongolo Commander Off Miniatures

    Beautiful paint work, looking forward to receiving my copy :)
  10. Alex M.

    WIP Critique 200mm Marine Afghanistan Update

    This looks really, really good! I love the technique, and now i'm trying to figure out how to translate it down to 1/35....
  11. Alex M.

    WIP Huron

    Magua! That's excellent work, and lovely painting to boot! You said you're putting this into production?
  12. Alex M.

    Completed New Bronze Figure To Come Shortly

    This is true, and not just at the Regiment. Superb sculpt, and a damn shame this isn't a commercial kit!!
  13. Alex M.

    WIP Critique Start Of Something Big

    Hahah I'm always around...though thanks to boxing day, I have myself in my own brand of mess....
  14. Alex M.

    WIP Critique Start Of Something Big

    I have all sorts of names I want to call you right now for doing this, none of them flattering ;) This is a HUGE project, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do!! You're a braver man than me!
  15. Alex M.

    Usmc Radioman, Hue Vietnam 1968

    I was just going to ask...they look fantastic! The whole bust is very smooth, the wear and tear looks just right to me! Well done!
  16. Alex M.

    Completed The Ace Of Spades

    Hey! Nice work! This has been really fun to follow from start to finish, and I have to say, I think you got the hang of this sculpting thing better than I did. That little punk is still sitting 70% done on the shelf! What's next?
  17. Alex M.

    Should Politics And One Sided History Lessons Be Kept Out Of Innocent Pfigure Painting Threads ?

    I don't generally weigh in on conversations like this, and the point of the whole thread has gotten muddled between page 1 and 3 and native speakers and not. I like coming on this forum to look at people's work, offer help/critique where I can. I abhor having to trawl through pages of often...
  18. Alex M.

    WIP Brits,afghanistan 1/35

    Great work, looking forward to seeing this completed! They all go together very, very well!
  19. Alex M.

    Christmas Cleaning - Kits For Sale!

    Updated sold items, dropped prices on both busts by $5
  20. Alex M.

    Royal Marine Commando Afghanistan - Mitches Military Models

    Lovely figure! it'd be nice to release something modern, British, and Afghanistan in 75mm....just a little food for thought