Should Politics And One Sided History Lessons Be Kept Out Of Innocent Pfigure Painting Threads ?


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ENOUGHS ENOUGH ! KEEP politics out of Figure related threads ?

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Colin that's exactly what I was asking. Is it appropriate for one to ask for critique and get knocked for subject etc .. Not history and politics being related just this. And 9 times out of 10 it isn't a bust of Himmler but just a soldier in SS camo or Che or Peiper etc etc ..

I think if you paint personalities you have to be able to defend your choice. Doing an anonymous SS man should not be a reason to be chastised - many were conscripts. Most of the comments I see re. SS figures are of the "boring" type rather than from people who are incensed. But if you are doing a personality, I think there is a presumption that you either admire the person or are otherwise fascinated by them. That's what attracts the incoming if they are controversial.

If you cannot answer the question in the poll why post ? It is not a debate about painting dodgy characters but the comments these figures get when the sculptor/painter asks only for critique.

I know many painters who have painted Hitler etc .. But they are not doing so to big hitler up or to give a nod to his politics etc ... It's just a figure to paint ! I'm not sure if you sculpt Che or Jack the Ripper you admire them by doing so .... SERIOUSLY is that what people think ?

I best start painting sci-fi again ...

Maybe new posts can just reply to the original and only question ? Or vote.
I know many painters who have painted Hitler etc .. But they are not doing so to big hitler up or to give a nod to his politics etc ... It's just a figure to paint ! I'm not sure if you sculpt Che or Jack the Ripper you admire them by doing so .... SERIOUSLY is that what people think ?

That's what I think. I try not to judge but if you paint Hitler, my reaction is that it isn't just to practice your brown. When I do a personality I am motivated by admiration or fascination. As that is what motivates me, I PRESUME its the same with others. Note that I say "presume."

Colin sorry I don't agree with that. I paint figures that I admire, I paint figures that I do not admire. The figures I paint that I do not admire could be anybody. BUT they will generally have something about them ( in the resin ) that appeals, ie. many textures, a colourful paint option etc etc ... I paint Germans because I like painting Field grey. If a bust comes out of Hitler and he's in field grey I'm painting him, I don't admire him. So "Presume" is a good word. After all, your theory of more than practice is poor in my view.

I did shave my head actually not so long back ....
That's what I think. I try not to judge but if you paint Hitler, my reaction is that it isn't just to practice your brown. When I do a personality I am motivated by admiration or fascination. As that is what motivates me, I PRESUME its the same with others. Note that I say "presume."


Colin, I understand your point is that you like to paint a figure or bust of a historical personality that you admire. But how about for example a sort of charicatural representation of someone you don't admire ? fe. Hitler or Stalin ?
I personally feel a lot depends on the story you want to tell with your miniature; I would disapprove of a miniature with which the painter wants to sort of glorify Hitler or another vilain : a while ago there was a Heydrich figure on this forum which was put on a base with a Jude star under his feet, and I did critisize it strongly because I felt it was cheap and base representing him trampling a jew star. However, I would think that fe a Göring figure next to a spitfire model with caption "our new aircraft herr reichsmarshall" would be quite innocent ... What do you think ?
I don't generally weigh in on conversations like this, and the point of the whole thread has gotten muddled between page 1 and 3 and native speakers and not. I like coming on this forum to look at people's work, offer help/critique where I can. I abhor having to trawl through pages of often intentionally argumentative political blathering just to see what people have to say about the WORK on display. I've voted, only because I'd like to see that disappear. It's growing very tiresome of someone posting their work on *say* the latest Waffen bust from Pegaso, only to see thoroughly constructive criticism like "Too bad it's another German." Thanks pals, that helps my technique out thoroughly.

Let sleeping dogs lie, keep politics out of WIP/Vbench/Display work threads, and get back to painting some models, whatever models you want, since you bought em with your money, and paint them with your paint.

Just my fat nickel dropping the dime on this thread.
I think we all get taken in by 'history' or what passes for it, narratives that are propaganda, brainwashing, agendas etc I was as a kid told over and over that the Battle of Britain actually saved the country. Then later saw an interview with Adolf Galland who candidly admitted what was becoming more obvious as the years passed that it was just a diversion! Never serious! get a load of that! This hobby is centered around history and used to have a lot of historians participate although now I think it's mainly people who just enjoy figure painting which is good. I think there's room here though for a separate thread on historical reference opinions and argument. Let's be passionate about discussing figures and all aspects of history and have free expression wherever it ends up.
okay, guys...
breath in, breath out.... now breath in...... and... breath out...
My vote goes to YES.

Seriously, is there a single military from any country that is "innocent"?
If there is, no one wants to build figures of it because it sucks.
If there isn't, why do we have to be extra PC about certain subject?
Why should WW2 German/Nazis get singled out all the time?
Killing a group of people is more serious than killing others?
I say keep the political opinions out of the "miniatures" forums... vBench, Painting and Sculpting etc. I think these forums should be reserved for the discussion of technique and accuracy not the subject itself. Political discussions should be reserved for the Lounge where those keen on a debate can get into one if that is what they are looking for.

As for subject choice, paint what appeals to you for whatever reason it may appeal to you personally. Just do your best work you can on every figure.

The only caveat I can put out there is that everyone remember that they are posting on a public forum and lets try not to be insensitive in their posts or hurtful in their comments. A figure of an SS Officer having a smoke isn't offensive (It's a handsome uniform) but that same officer shooting a prisoner in the back of the head over a mass grave is in bad taste and may cause painful feelings to someone who is just looking to see some well painted figures.

Common sense should always prevail

Happy New Year

Political discussions should be reserved for the Lounge where those keen on a debate can get into one if that is what they are looking for.

As for subject choice, paint what appeals to you for whatever reason it may appeal to you personally. Just do your best work you can on every figure.

The only caveat I can put out there is that everyone remember that they are posting on a public forum and lets try not to be insensitive in their posts or hurtful in their comments.

Common sense should always prevail

Happy New Year

I've abbreviated your comments Colin to what are for me the 4 salient points each of which I'm in full agreement with
I say keep the political opinions out of the "miniatures" forums... vBench, Painting and Sculpting etc. I think these forums should be reserved for the discussion of technique and accuracy not the subject itself. Political discussions should be reserved for the Lounge where those keen on a debate can get into one if that is what they are looking for.

As for subject choice, paint what appeals to you for whatever reason it may appeal to you personally. Just do your best work you can on every figure.

The only caveat I can put out there is that everyone remember that they are posting on a public forum and lets try not to be insensitive in their posts or hurtful in their comments. A figure of an SS Officer having a smoke isn't offensive (It's a handsome uniform) but that same officer shooting a prisoner in the back of the head over a mass grave is in bad taste and may cause painful feelings to someone who is just looking to see some well painted figures.

Common sense should always prevail

Happy New Year


Colin, I think this sums it up quite neatly...

A happy New Year to you too!

Coming late into discussion, but thought I will put my 5p in here.

I think that politics has a place in discussion about figure only if it helps us learn about the period in question or adds layer to the subject of someone's work.
It shouldnt be used as personal attack against individual, whatever their interest may be.

I am always curious to learn and I will admit I got curious about statements of CHe being a villain.
The reception of a good work however has been appauling in some instances and transformed into personal attack.

So either lets keep political discussions in a well designated barbed-wired area or use politics as a tool to learn and make it non personal in fugure threads.

Otherwise- Out

Most of the members on this forum seem to be in the first place people with an interest for the sculpting and painting of miniatures. If somebody who puts his work on display does not ask for political or historical feedback I do not see a reason to highjack the thread by giving non-hobby-related feedback. If the regular feedback of certain members gets furthermore repeatedly insulting the moderators should maybe consider to take further steps but that`s not up to me - maybe I have to try out the ignore-function in the future.
What bothers me most is the attitude to judge people by what they build as a hobby or if they share a view about a person, unit, nation as a part of an axis of evil. Therefore I vote for "yes" and thank Carlos for bringing it up.
Let`s curb our dog(ma)s!
Happy new year and happy modelling!
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