Steve and Daniel... the cannon is a 54mm kit from Norman Miniatures. I think it's pretty old but a really nice casting. Thanx to Greg from The Sentry for finding it in his grey army and donating it to the cause, Cheers Greg.I was going to ask you about the cannon too, is it a 54mm? from?
I think that painting looks interesting, another question: you prefer cuirassiers rather than polish Lancers??
Thanx Colin... I've made sure to have lots of stuff to paint on the side so I can take breaks when I need to so I don't get overcome. Here's a heads up though... I may take you up and take a rummage through you're Historex hoard if I find I still need some odds and endsReally interesting idea and start. Like the rest of the gang, I will look forward to watching this develop from concept to finish. I would never have the staying power to do a vignette of that size and complexity - salute!
Colin in Oakville
Call me what you want, I can take it I'm sure I'll be cursing myself before long! Before this is done I may have to recruit you to bail me out of this mess I've made for myself.I have all sorts of names I want to call you right now for doing this, none of them flattering
This is a HUGE project, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do!! You're a braver man than me!
Thanx Colin... I've made sure to have lots of stuff to paint on the side so I can take breaks when I need to so I don't get overcome. Here's a heads up though... I may take you up and take a rummage through you're Historex hoard if I find I still need some odds and ends
Colin of Scarberia
I may throw in a dead Lancer for effect, we'll see.
Keep an eye out, this will be a long process.