As far as commercial release sculptors specifically, My favorites are probably Raul Latorre, Bruno Leibovitz, and Mike Good. Fast becoming part of the list are Mauritzio Bruno and Victor Konnov.
It's great to see another American Revolution figure. Very nice. I also like the pose quite a bit. It has a lot of character.
To answer your question: It is oregano in English also.
You're welcome.
I don't have any firsthand evidence, but all the illustrations I have show them as black, including the Fosten paintings in the Mollo book.
That's right Craig. My references show that those type of overalls were worn in the Crimea. As soon as I can get my scanner up and running again I'll send you some pics.
Thanks Jim!
Actually, the samurai wasn't mine. In fact, I thought it was yours!
Which figs were yours? If I'm not mistaken, you brought the piper?
I wasn't aware you had a model show there. If I can, I'll come. I love that area.
Brad, Matt, Anders, Joe, Terry, Ernesto, Stephen - Thanks for the nice comments!
Jim - I'll have to see what I find in Chicago for my next project! I do have a couple of Historex figs that I really should finish.
This is a very nice conversion. I like the feel the new head gives to this officer.
I think the yellow sash looks great. What mixes did you use for it?
Well, As per my usual way of doing things, this guy has taken me a while to paint. I've been working on him since March. Sorry the yellows are a bit washed out. I need some better photo lighting.
I went with a somewhat darker and duller blue than I have seen on a lot of figs of the 146th. I...