Jinx is not the word I would use, I would lock him in his house.
About the Gas Depot blowing up, if I lived in a small village (which I do) and the order came "Make pumps twelve" I would be looking for my passport and leaving!
They made a great film Roger, brought it all back! The camera man that did the work just happened to be making a film about helicopters when they got diverted. He was also at the twin towers when they were hit.
Very glad I never worked with him.
Cracking figure of a little known part of the police force. Sadly at 54mm it far to small for me but its a great figure, one I would paint if I could!
To those that want legs on this we have pencilled it in for summer 2208...obviously some may not want to wait that long
Hi Stu, put my name down for the 2208 release, I very eagerly await him.
Perhaps I should give you my Grandsuns address.
Colin, to honour the bravery of your Grandad and his mates, its only fitting that they had a visit from the king.
The heading should have been, "whos that guy with Colins Grandad"?
Very brave men, all of them.
Hi Nap Very glad I mentioned "Correct me if I am wrong" . I had no idea the honours were awarded to so many regiments. Always thought of it with the HLI as that was the Glasgow Regiment while I grew up and I later knew some lads from the RHF one of whom had come over from the HLI.
No mattter how...
Very good review of very nice busts. I got the Sowar at Euro. Lovely figure and the sculpting is superb.
Correct me if I am wrong but was the Battle Honour "Assaye" with the Elephant not the battle honour of the HLI from the battle of Assaye where every officer in the Regt was killed! It was I...
Hard to know what adjustments to make really Brian, you did such a lovely job on your Templar all in grey that I have no doubt you will bring it off.
Really liked the story of the airman who actually repaired Lancasters for the Dambuster Sqd, 617.
He died recently with very little family and no living friends, He was 99 and living in an old folks home home.
The staff from the home put his death in the local newspaper and from there it went to...
Having met up with your troops a few times Tony, I understand just what you are saying.
I had to salute them for a while but they were Marine officers so always good at what they did, well worth a salute.