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  1. Mongo Mel

    Custed bust - finished

    Thanks guys. Jim, good to hear from you. I'd heard that you were painting again and saw your version of the Pulaski bust on your site. Good to see you haven't lost your touch :) Thanks again, Craig
  2. Mongo Mel

    Custed bust - finished

    Hi guys, Thanks for taking the time to look and especially for commenting., that's sculpted this one. I had completely forgotten that. I remember Jim telling me that it was done by a guy up in Erie. Hope it brought back good memories :). It did for me. Steve...:o :D...
  3. Mongo Mel

    Custed bust - finished

    Hi folks, I've managed to finish something again (still plugging away at it) It's the OOP bust of George Armstrong Custer, produced long ago by Fort Duquesne. This is the second time I've done this piece now. The first time was way back when I first started painting figures. I'm happy...
  4. Mongo Mel

    2009 APG Show pictures

    I managed to get my pictures uploaded. Some good..some not so good. I never know until I see them on the screen :) A lot of them didn't turn out that were taken with the windows in the background. The camera (or maybe it was me) just couldn't handle the lighting. Anyway, here's a link to the...
  5. Mongo Mel

    Napoleon bust - finished

    Hi guys, Thanks for the kind words. This piece took me forever to complete (over a year since I first started it!) Almost every feature on it has been repainted at least once and many of them several times. Just couldn't get things right for some reason. Jay, while I agree about the likeness...
  6. Mongo Mel

    Napoleon bust - finished

    Hi, It's been a while since I've posted anything (sound familiar?) :) But I've managed to finish another piece. It's the Napoleon bust from David Grieve/Debra Raymond. Hoping this will help get me motivated and out of my slump. Wish me luck :) Craig
  7. Mongo Mel

    Turner style Batman bust

    Wow, that's a real beauty of a Batman. I've never heard of these folks before so I checked them out on the UEM site (thanks for that tip). This is definitely my favorite of what I saw there. Thanks for posting, Craig :)
  8. Mongo Mel

    How many wives will be there?

    My wife is going to come to the show with me. We're staying a couple of extra days after the show too. Little mini vacation. Craig
  9. Mongo Mel

    APG Gettysburg Show Figure Auction

    Hi, Just finished booking a room for my wife and myself at the hotel :) Just wanted to mention that I tried using the link supplied on the APG website. While it worked for getting to the hotel site, when I tried to book the room, it wouldn't give me a room at the show rate of $120.00. Instead...
  10. Mongo Mel

    Strange oil paint problem

    Hi guys, Thanks for the feedback. Steve, I can only say that the resin was the same that they've been using in the past for their other kits. It is an unusual color from any other resin kits I've ever seen. Gary, the first primer was automotive but the second time I used Alclad primer sprayed...
  11. Mongo Mel

    Strange oil paint problem

    Hi, I had something strange happen recently and was wondering if anyone else had encountered this before. I was painting the display sample of a garage kit figure being produced by two guys in my model club. The piece was cleaned and primed (Krylon) with plenty of time to cure. When I began...
  12. Mongo Mel

    Display at the local public library

    Hi Michael, Well done. I'm in Pittsburgh too. Which branch of the library are your figures displayed at? Can't promise I'll make it there but I can try. My club did a group display a few years ago at Soldiers And Sailors in Oakland. And one of my IPMS club members has done this same thing as...
  13. Mongo Mel

    2009 MFCA show photos and group picture

    Update: I realized that not all of the photos I took got uploaded to my site. There are now something like 470+ pictures there. Just thought I'd let you all know :) Craig
  14. Mongo Mel

    2009 MFCA show photos and group picture

    Hey Paul...good seeing you again too. I always enjoy spending time with you at the shows. Hey, I wasn't lying about that "business person" out front asking for you :) Hi Pat, sorry for the confusion that caused you to miss the group photo. Let's hope it goes better next year. For everyone...
  15. Mongo Mel

    2009 MFCA show photos and group picture

    Hi Dee, Missed getting to talk with you at the show this year. Thanks for the name, I'll add it in. Are you still planning to go to the APG show in Gettysburg in August? If so, I'll see you there too. And in case you didn't hear, MFCA is moving back to Valley Forge next year. Craig :)
  16. Mongo Mel

    2009 MFCA show photos and group picture

    Hi, I got back today from the 2009 MFCA show and wanted to share the photos I took. You can find them here . Look in the folder named "MFCA 2009 Show Photos". As usual, I had a great time at the show. Always good to see my "twice a year" friends :) Here are the group photos we took...
  17. Mongo Mel

    2009 MFCA - Group photo anyone?

    "Bump" again. I'd hate to learn that someone missed the notice :)
  18. Mongo Mel

    2009 MFCA - Group photo anyone?

    "bump" :)
  19. Mongo Mel

    2009 MFCA - Group photo anyone?

    Good to hear it Dee. See you there :) Craig
  20. Mongo Mel

    2009 MFCA - Group photo anyone?

    Hi Dee, Sorry to hear that you won't be there this year. I enjoyed getting to talk with you last time. Atre you going to Gettysburg then? Hey Paul, No...I seem to remember you running into the hotel lobby after walking back from the show. And you look somewhere between scared and relieved...