It's been a while since I've posted anything (sound familiar?)
But I've managed to finish another piece. It's the Napoleon bust from David Grieve/Debra Raymond.
Hoping this will help get me motivated and out of my slump.
Wish me luck
Wow, what a "slump" Craig. It looks like your slump might be over. Excellent painting mate. Really subtle shading and highlighting on the uniform. Excellent result.
Nice work here Craig! I really like the greens. I own this piece as well, I always thought, for me at least, it was one of the best portrait representations of Napoleon. Nice work.
Hi guys,
Thanks for the kind words. This piece took me forever to complete (over a year since I first started it!) Almost every feature on it has been repainted at least once and many of them several times. Just couldn't get things right for some reason.
Jay, while I agree about the likeness, I have to say that my wife giot it right...that's one ugly guy
John, this was the mix I used for the green....
I used Winsor Blue (Green Shade) and Cad. Yellow for a base color with more of each as needed for the shadows and highlights. After this dried, I mixed lighter and darker shades of the same for the shadows and highlights.
Thanks again all,