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  1. vincenzo


    wow, so bad!
  2. vincenzo


    wowww! I love it! expecially facials espression
  3. vincenzo


    really a ggod work!
  4. vincenzo


    what a nice miniature!!
  5. vincenzo

    WIP Squadre della morte (death squad) 1915 painting

    it.s an italian skiatore (alpini troops) in winter white dress, but at the moment I'm realising a little set of guns and aquipments to make some resin copy, so i can work much faster!!
  6. vincenzo

    WIP Squadre della morte (death squad) 1915 painting

    Hi Nap! thanks for you appriciations! Yes, it'a a 1/10th scale I'm trying to sculpt and paint a bust line with italian and austroungarian sobjects of ww1
  7. vincenzo

    WIP 20° honved 1916

    hi! finally I take this bust in my hands again!! And so this is What I'done. Many more particulars to add
  8. vincenzo

    WIP Squadre della morte (death squad) 1915 painting

    Hi my friends! after finished sculpt this bust, I start paint it. now this picture show him near to finish, but some other little particulars waiting to be add. Hope you like it!
  9. vincenzo

    Laghouat 1852

    Well, thanks!
  10. vincenzo

    Laghouat 1852

    excellent work!! Cuold you post any other pictures of green??
  11. vincenzo

    Completed Reiter рodpraporshchik. Second half of the XVII century.

    Well done SVT, many thanks for spear wip. great idea!
  12. vincenzo

    Completed Reiter рodpraporshchik. Second half of the XVII century.

    Wow!! nice nice work!! how do you made the spear??
  13. vincenzo

    Viet Nam 327th Abn. Regt. 101st Abn. Div.

    nice work! where did you take m-16 rifle?
  14. vincenzo

    WIP strawberry hunter

    thanks guys! @Bimskin: sorry, not a commercial items
  15. vincenzo

    WIP strawberry hunter

    hi Guys, this new wip esulate by my normal works. I'll take this idea from a J. B. Monge artwork and redifine it with my personal touch... I think I could also put a little bug on the strawberry... here's some pics from start to now it'a about 4 cm high, without cap... pratically 1:1 scale : ))
  16. vincenzo

    WIP Deer Hunter in Vietnam War. scale 1/9

    wooooww!! nice nice nice work!!
  17. vincenzo

    Macedonian officer (Parmenion)

    well! better late then never, it's said here in Italy! good work my friend. I think you could also even dare more with laght and shadow... but I also think it could be good as it is... so... c'mon with another piece!
  18. vincenzo

    WIP 20° honved 1916

    Thank you! Sorry, but I think this isn't an interesting subject for many people and... cast it's a little bit expansive.. so I choose to make only single pieces.. But thanks for your question, it make me very proud : ) !
  19. vincenzo

    Security of Emir of Bukhara

    wowww!!! how do you make doors!??!?!?
  20. vincenzo

    WIP 20° honved 1916

    a little progress. Made ammo pouchs and kappenabzeichen