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  1. Bournouna

    Carabinier Borodino

    Just beautiful , Mike. Hope to paint mine nearly as good as yours. Joel
  2. Bournouna

    Carabinier Borodino 1812

    Hi Mike, Please post pictures of the bust without the flag. I'm anxious to see them. Thanks, Joel
  3. Bournouna

    Carabinier Borodino 1812

    Hi Mike, Beautiful paint job on this bust. What paint did you use for the helmet? Also ,shouldn't the cuirasse be the same color as the helmet? I thought the copper cuirasse was for the Officers. Joel
  4. Bournouna

    200mm French Line Lancer Bust (My first)

    "I can’t recommend CGS enough, excellent customer service and top quality molding. " I'll second that!! Joel
  5. Bournouna

    Borodino 200mm new pics, shipping

    "another one for the cabinet" Can't wait to see what you're going to do with this beauty, Brian! Joel
  6. Bournouna

    Borodino 200mm new pics, shipping

    Hi, Would it be possible to include a sword, so that one could replace the flag . Stunning figure. Joel
  7. Bournouna

    Platoon. Sergeant Barnes.

    Hello Aleksander, Can you breakdown the number of pieces for the Sgt Barnes figure? Also are you going to sculpt new busts in the future, and if so, what type of subject matter. Joel
  8. Bournouna

    Platoon. Sergeant Barnes.

    Alexander, Wow, now that's what I call a bust. Will it be made into a commercial figure? If so, could you please include an helmet. Joel
  9. Bournouna

    WIP Reflections of Arnhem - update 6

    Hi Brian, Can't believe how realistic the camo on the Denison smock came out!! Any chance , you giving us an SBS on the painting process of the smock, it would be greatly appreciated. Joel
  10. Bournouna

    WIP Reflections of Arnhem - update 5

    Hi, Perhaps I did not explain well enough what I'm trying to do. I'm not trying to get a picture looking like yours, I want the painting of the figure to look like your picture. Should I spray a matt finish on the figure? Joel
  11. Bournouna

    WIP Reflections of Arnhem - update 5

    Brian, What can I do to get the figure to look like your picture, using paint?
  12. Bournouna

    WIP Reflections of Arnhem - update 5

    Beautiful work Brian. What kind of wash did you use to obtain that fantastic finish on the denison. Was it a mix of colors? Joel
  13. Bournouna

    WIP Reflections of Arnhem - update 3

    Hi Brian, Love what you are doing with these Paras, excellent work all around. Can you tell me, did the Dennison smocks come only in camo colors, or did they also come in mustard type uniform coloring?
  14. Bournouna

    17th Light Dragoon (Ellies Miniatures)

    Excellent painting, especially the face. Joel
  15. Bournouna

    Zona 72 (Spain) - News

    "IMO the best likeness of Sherman is still the Fort Duquesne bust" Sorry to disagree Pierre, but the likeness of the Ft Duquesne bust is nowhere near the picture of Sherman in the above post. Verlinden also had a Sherman bust that resembled the General Joel
  16. Bournouna

    Bust Trapper - Acrylic Painting

    Wow, what a beautiful painted figure. Thank you for sharing. Joel
  17. Bournouna

    WIP Trumpeter 8th Hussars 1811-12

    Hey Bob, Here is a picture of a Hussar Trumpet of the 8th Regiment, that might be a help to you. Joel
  18. Bournouna

    WIP General Jean-Andoche Junot figure.

    Beautiful paint job, Geoff. Joel
  19. Bournouna

    New release from DG ...St Cyr

    Very nice bust, but would have much prefer a male cadet, oh well!!
  20. Bournouna

    Young conversion bust Vietnam.

    Hey Nick, Another great conversion and paint job. I really enjoy what you do with existing busts, to give them a completely new look. Joel