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  1. D

    Completed Gordon Highlander - Painted!

    Cracker!!! Stunning figure, well converted from a brilliant original and the painting is so natural........
  2. D

    WIP Gordon Highlander with New Plinth

    Every time I look at this the fingers of my right hand start to twitch and reach for the brushes............Oh's not on my bench!
  3. D

    Completed Critique Mirage Hobby 200mm U.S Officer Ohama beach.

    SPR = Saving Private Ryan? Great start. These Mirage figures don't get the recognition I feel they deserve, and you're doing it justice.
  4. D

    WIP First post - RFC bust for comments please.

    Great work for a 10yr break and switching to acrylics! I like the lenses, although the blue is a bit bright. The face is fine as it is - I'm not a fan of the ultra-high contrast look that seems to be in favour at the moment, less is definitely more if you actually look at a real face.
  5. D


    Looks like real painters delight.........all that detail!
  6. D

    New Andrea Miniatures

    As he has a form of plate armour on his torso, I'd guess at a bit of both! From my historical knowledge that kind of armour was only used by the Romans by that time (so far as is known!) - saxon and norse wore mail.
  7. D

    New Andrea Miniatures

    That Norse Lord looks good.........the paint brushes are twitching and the wallet is tryingto hide.......
  8. D

    News april scale75

    Great looking piece. I'd love to paint this, and perhaps build it into a scenic setting.
  9. D

    April Pegaso releases

    Two very nice looking pieces. I can't help feeling that the Scottish Gentleman is more Victorian Revival than traditional highlander - still a very detailed and paintable figure for all that.
  10. D

    Completed Critique YOUNG Miniatures 1/10 King Richard Lionheart !!

    Exceptional!!! I love this bust, the small alterations have changed it so much.
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    New SK Miniatures

    Just personal preference. I like mine to have a complete torso and both upper arms - just looks more balanced in my opinion.
  12. D

    New SK Miniatures

    Excellent sculpt and paintwork! I'm afraid that scalloped left side will stop it ever entering my collection though.
  13. D

    Completed "They shall grow not old"

    "as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun, and in the morning We will remember them" Jon Smith Modellbau's tank crewman has always reminded me of a man with his head bowed and hands clasped in prayer; so for a campaign on another...
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  18. They shall grow not old

    They shall grow not old

  19. D

    Forthcoming Release from SK Miniatures

    Thia is another fantastic sculpt by Carl. I have to say though that the scalloped left side makes the figure look unbalanced in my view. I'd have preferred the torso to have been complete even if the left arm was left as it is.
  20. D

    Completed Young Winston

    Looks very good Dan - as usual. Shame I'm only painting larger scale busts at the moment or I'd have welcomed the chance to complete another Dan Morton original!