This may take a while to do, but have made a start on the Beach base that comes with this kit, the instructions mentioned putting the anti tank defence (ATD) in warm water to straighten them out, but looking at them I liked the distorted look, so have built it accordingly, the base has been painted several shades of buff / sand with a bit of MIG light dust added then sealed, I am awaiting some of the Vallejo sand texture to possibly add an overlay, the ATD has been painted black, then overpainted in Mig standard rust as a base with Mig light dust pigment stippled into it whilst wet to make the textured metal effect, added over this is some light Mig rust, and some soot black and red pigments, couple of washes is Vallejo black and some orange to pick up seams etc and it is as today, pondering adding a minute bit of metallic grey pigment over the top to it, to give it a more steel look, but will sleep on it....... each coat was sealed with my favourite rattle can of Humbrol Matt varnish...... I do love painting rust, but I am rabbiting on, so to the pictures...